GS 2010 Article 15 – Opening Devotions and Roll Call

The chairman, Rev. Aasman, reopened Synod by reading Joel 2:1-14 and giving a meditation on it. He requested that Psalm 105:1,2 be sung. After announcing that Dr. Jason Van Vliet has accepted the appointment as professor of Dogmatology at the Theological College, he led the assembly in prayer.

After the roll call, Rev. Aasman welcomed all who were present, including the fraternal delegates, br. Pleiter and br. VanderVen from the FRCA, the Revs. Peter J. Vellenga and Harry Zekveld from the URCNA, and br. Klaas Wezeman from the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (RCN). He also acknowledged the presence of Rev. DongSup Song from the RCK as observer.

Synod then adjourned for Committee work.