GS 2010 Article 145 – SCBP: Harmonization
1. Material
Letter of Burlington-Fellowship (8.3.J.18).
2. Observations
- 2.1 Burlington-Fellowship states that they are disappointed with the SCBP decision to drop the four-part harmonization in the 14 hymns selected. They urge Synod to reverse this decision.
- 2.2 Burlington-Fellowship requests that the four-part harmonization also be considered for the remaining hymns as well as the Psalms.
3. Considerations
- 3.1 The matter of working at harmonization of the Book of Praise was part of the mandate given to the SCBP by Synod 2007, but then as part of its promotion instructions (Acts Synod 2007 Article148, 4.4.3).
- 3.2 This matter is not mentioned in the SCBP report to this Synod.
4. Recommendation
That Synod decide to instruct the SCBP to take up the matter of the harmonization of the hymns and also the Psalter and make a specific proposal to Synod 2013 as to how this can be addressed.