GS 2010 Article 135 – Hymn: Our Children Lord in Faith and Prayer

1.          Material

  • 1.1        Letter from Langley (8.3.J.31).
  • 1.2       SCBP Report, Section Four, 10.3.II.12 (8.2.j).

2.          Observations

  • 2.1        This hymn is about baptism.
  • 2.2        There are currently no hymns on baptism in the Book of Praise.
  • 2.3        The SCBP proposes that this hymn not be included in the expanded hymn section of the Book of Praise.
  • 2.4        The SCBP decided not to include this hymn for the following reasons: this hymn speaks about parents presenting their children before the Lord at the time of baptism, which may be open to misinterpretation. It notes the remark of the ad hoc committee that “The word ‘present’ is not scriptural.” Infants are baptized because they belong to the covenant. Further, “there are already Psalms and Hymns that present a biblical and clearly covenantal message.”
  • 2.5        Langley observes that it is appropriate to speak of parents presenting their children to the Lord at baptism, since that is what parents are obliged to do, and what they are literally doing at baptism.
  • 2.6        In Luke 2:22, Scripture speaks about Joseph and Mary taking the Lord Jesus to Jerusalem to “present him to the Lord.”

3.          Considerations

  • 3.1        In view of the expression in Luke 2:22, we judge that it is not incorrect to speak about parents presenting their children to the Lord.
  • 3.2        We do have hymns intended for use with the Lord’s Supper, while there are currently no hymns intended specifically for use with baptism. It seems inconsistent to have hymns for use with the Lord’s Supper, but not hymns for use with baptism.

4.          Recommendation

That Synod decide to approve the Hymn Our Children, Lord, in Faith and Prayer for inclusion in the expanded hymn section of the Book of Praise, contrary to the recommendation of the SCBP.