GS 2010 Article 121 – SCBP: Proceeding with the Revised Psalms
1. Material
Letters from Grand Valley (8.3.J.9), Coaldale (8.3.J.11), Calgary (8.3.J.17), Burlington-South (8.3.J.18), Edmonton-Immanuel (8.3.J.19), Willoughby Heights (8.3.J.24), Attercliffe (8.3.J.25), Burlington-Ebenezer (8.3.J.26), Taber (8.3.J.27), Surrey (8.3.J.29), Abbotsford (8.3.J.37), WinnipegRedeemer (8.3.J.41), and Aldergrove (8.3.J.42).
2. Observations
- 2.1 The thirteen letters from the churches listed above generally indicate agreement with proceeding with the publication of the revised Psalms.
- 2.2 The recommendations in the letters are in support of the publication of the Psalms in the Book of Praise on a provisional basis for use in the church with a final approval at Synod 2013. This will allow some further testing of the Psalms before final approval.
- 2.3 The comments from the churches range from considering the SCBP committee report version fully ready for use, to ready for use with small exceptions to be considered, to needing more review and testing.
- 2.4 No church in this group is opposed to the notion of progressing, but most look forward to having the opportunity of a final review before a final approval.
3. Considerations
- 3.1 The committee has reviewed these letters.
- 3.2 The committee in the proposal responding to the SCBP report provides a mechanism to approve a provisional version of the Book of Praise for use in the churches, with a possibility for revisions based on the submissions received by Synod. Further, the committee makes provision for the SCBP to make corrections to the approved provisional version of the Book of Praise as reported by the churches once this provisional version is published and being used.
- 3.3 The plan developed by this committee addresses the recommendations and provides a method of dealing with the changes expressed in the letters by passing them to the SCBP.
4. Recommendation
That Synod decide:
- 4.1 To request the SCBP to encourage the churches to identify errors in the approved provisional edition of the Psalms in a timeframe that allows the SCBP to review the materials received and to incorporate those the committee deems appropriate in a final version of the Psalms for final approval by Synod 2013.
- 4.2 To instruct the SCBP to consider the concerns and input received by Synod and passed on to them and to incorporate them as they deem appropriate in the proposed final version to be presented to Synod 2013.