GS 2010 Article 105 – Presbyterian Church of Korea – Kosin (PCK)

1.         Material

  • 1.1       Report D from the CRCA re: The Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK) (8.2.m.i).
  • 1.2       CRCA Supplementary Report dated February 15, 2010 (8.2.m.ii).
  • 1.3       Letters from Fergus-Maranatha (8.3.M.16), Attercliffe (8.3.M.26), Yarrow (8.3.M.34), and Winnipeg-Redeemer (8.3.M.37).

2.         Observations

  • 2.1       Synod Smithers 2007 (Article 86, Recommendation 4) charged the CRCA as follows:
    • [4.3.1] To work diligently on improving our relations with the PCK by mail/email by meeting with their delegates at the ICRC, and by sending a member of the CRCA to Korea on a more regular basis.
    • [4.3.2] To contact those sister churches who have relations with the PCK with the request that we alternate with them in visiting the General Assembly of the PCK.
    • [4.3.3] To send a copy of our agreement with the OPC to the PCK and ask for their reaction and possible agreement.
    • [4.3.4] To report on the state of communications to the next synod (Synod 2007, Article 86).
  • 2.2       Synod 2007 also instructed the CRCA to send delegates to the General Assembly of the PCK (in consultation and rotation with sister churches).
  • 2.3       The CRCA maintained ecclesiastical fellowship with the PCK by extensive communication, by visiting the General Assembly, and by discussions with the Fraternal Relations Committee of the PCK.
  • 2.4       Since the Acts of Synod sent to the General Assembly are not always passed on to the Fraternal Relations Committee, the CRCA will send them directly to the Fraternal Relations Committee and include a summary of the points which are important to our relationship with the PCK.
  • 2.5       After consultation with the RCN and the FRCA, the CRCA sent two delegates to the 58th General Assembly of the PCK. The FRCA sent a delegate in 2007 and the RCN sent one in 2009. The FRCA shared its report with the CRCA and the RCN report is forthcoming.
  • 2.6         As mandated by Synod Smithers, the CRCA sent a copy of the Statements of Agreement between the CanRC and the OPC regarding admittance to the celebration of the Lord’s Supper and confessional membership to the Fraternal Relations Committee of the PCK, asking for their reaction and possible agreement. In its letter to Synod 2010, the church at Winnipeg-Redeemer also addressed these matters.
  • 2.7       Subsequent to filing its Report to General Synod, the CRCA received a letter from the Fraternal Relations Committee of the PCK on these matters and forwarded its contents to General Synod. In this letter, the PCK indicated that it agrees with the agreement between the CanRC and the OPC. The CRCA therefore considers that the committee’s mandate concerning confessional membership and admittance to the Lord’s Supper in the PCK has been completed.
  • 2.8       The CRCA encouraged the Fraternal Relations Committee to provide the CRCA with information regarding church relations within Korea.
  • 2.9 Professor Yoo (member) of the Fraternal Relations Committee of the PCK has provided the CRCA with highlights of the 57th and 58th General Assembly.
  • 2.10     The church of Yarrow makes Synod aware of a document called Report of the Christian Council of Korea to the 58th General
  • Assembly, including an attachment called Basic Principles for Uniting Korean Churches, and proposes that the CRCA be mandated to study that document.
  • 2.11     The church of Fergus-Maranatha submits the following:
    • [1.] Observations
      • [a.]      The report on the RCK indicates “it is not clear to
      • the CRCA why the RCK churches do not work with the IRCK.”
      • [b.]      The Report on the RCK indicates “the RCK feels there is some creeping deformation in the PCK.”
    • [2.] Considerations
      • [a.]       It is uncertain what relationship the PCK has with the RCK and the ICRK.
      • [b.]      It does not seem appropriate to establish unity with three Korean churches that do not share ecclesiastical unity with each other.
    • [3.] Recommendations
      • [a.]      Synod accede (to) the recommendations of the CRCA.
      • [b.]      The CRCA be thanked for the reporting of their communications with the PCK.
      • [c.]      Synod mandate the CRCA to understand and encourage the relationships between the PCK, IRCK, and the RCK.
  • 2.12     In view of differences of language and culture, Attercliffe wonders whether it would be better to limit our contact with the PCK and to request the FRCA to act on our behalf “as they appear to have a better insight and understanding of Asian culture.” Attercliffe asks Synod to mandate the CRCA to “further investigate the Korean situation, to consider the practicality of our contacts in Korea and then to come with concrete recommendations on how to proceed.”

3.         Considerations

  • 3.1       The CRCA has fulfilled its mandate.
  • 3.2       It would seem appropriate to continue discussions with the PCK concerning their relationships (or lack thereof) with the IRCK and the RCK. This would be in line with the submission from FergusMaranatha.
  • 3.3       In light of the submission from Yarrow, the CRCA should study the Report of the Christian Council of Korea.
  • 3.4       In the last years, there has been greater cooperation between the CanRC, the RCN, and the FRCA in maintaining contacts with the PCK (see Observation 2.5). Each federation now visits the PCK General Assembly once per three years and shares reports with the other federations. This addresses the suggestions of Attercliffe.
  • 3.5       The letter received by the CRCA from the Fraternal Relations Committee confirms that the PCK agrees with the terms of the agreement we have with the OPC re: admittance to the Lord’s Supper and confessional membership.

4.         Recommendation

That Synod decide to mandate the CRCA:

  • 4.1.      To continue the relationship of ecclesiastical fellowship with the PCK under the adopted rules.
  • 4.2       To continue to discuss with the PCK its relationship with the IRCK and the RCK with the goal of seeking further insight into these two federations.
  • 4.3       To continue to work cooperatively with the RCN and the FRCA in exercising our relationship with PCK in meaningful ways, such as by regular communication, by visiting the General Assembly of the PCK, and by meeting and interacting with their delegates at the ICRC.