GS 2007 Article 19 – Appeal from Mr. T. Kingma

The committee advising synod on this appeal made the following recommendation:

1.      Material

  • 1.1     Appeal of Mr. T. Kingma, including four binders of supporting material and a letter dated May 3, 2007 with corrections to his appeal

2.      Admissibility

  • 2.1     Synod declare this appeal inadmissible on the grounds:
    • 2.1.1    On page 1 of his appeal Mr. Kingma states that the subject of his appeal is the inability of he and his wife to visit with the consistory of Lynden or its elders with church visitors (or with witnesses in good standing within a sister CanRC). There is no indication in this correspondence that he is appealing a decision of a minor assembly (Art. 31 CO).
    • 2.1.2    What he does request synod to do in his recommendation for Synod 2007 (p. 26) is not an appeal against a decision of Regional Synod West or of the previous general synod. Therefore synod can not deal with his requests.


Br. Berends and Rev. Wielenga abstained from voting according to Art. 32 CO.

Note regarding Articles 17, 18 and 19 of these Acts

Synod confirmed the practice that inadmissible material will not be included in the archives of synod.