GS 2007 Article 162 – Request of Hamilton for Convening Synod 2010 in July

The advisory committee presented its proposal:

1.      Material:

  • 1.1     Letter from Hamilton

2.      Observation

  • 2.1     Hamilton requests Synod Smithers to instruct the convening church for the next general synod to schedule the 2010 synod in July in order to make the work of the general synod accessible to more brothers since the timing in the month of May prevents most members of the consistory at Hamilton to be considered for delegation.

3.      Considerations

  • 3.1     Although Hamilton makes this request, there is no evidence that convening a synod in July instead of in May would be of benefit to the majority of the churches.
  • 3.2     July is traditionally a time for summer vacation for many people including elders and ministers.

4.      Recommendation

Synod decide:

  • 4.1     To deny Hamilton’s request.