GS 2007 Article 115 – Appeal of Br. W. DeHaan
The advisory committee presented its proposal:
1. Material
- 1.1 Letter from brother W. DeHaan
2. Admissibility
- 2.1 The submission of brother DeHaan is declared admissible since he appeals the decision of Regional Synod East 2006.
3. Observations
- 3.1 The appellant forwards material that he had submitted to council, classis, and regional synod.
- 3.2 In his letter to synod, the appellant appears to indicate that he has used the minor assemblies as stepping stones for his concerns to be addressed at general synod.
4. Considerations
- 4.1 The appellant fails to interact with the substantial response received from Regional Synod East 2006. It appears that the appellant has the impression that he can bring concerns to the major assemblies without actually appealing specific decisions.
- 4.2 The appellant fails to show that Regional Synod East erred (Art. 31 CO).
5. Recommendation
Synod decide:
- 5.1 To deny the appeal of brother DeHaan.
The brothers who were involved in this matter at Regional Synod East 2006 abstained from voting.