GS 2007 Article 111 – SCBP– Form of Subscription
The advisory committee presented its proposal:
1. Material
- 1.1 SCBP Report 8
- 1.2-5 Letters from the following four churches: Fergus Maranatha, Orangeville, Winnipeg Redeemer, Elora
2. Observations
- 2.1 The committee report (section 8.0) serves as observations.
- 2.2 Synod Chatham decided to mandate the Standing Committee for the Publication of the Book of Praise to present a final proposal for a Form of Subscription, one for the local congregations and one for classis, to the next general synod.
- 2.3 In completing its mandate the committee researched the history of the Form of Subscription and evaluated input submitted by two churches.
- 2.4 Fergus Maranatha recommends replacing the word “ministers” with “minister(s)” in the proposed Subscription Form for use in the local congregation since some churches have only one minister.
- 2.5 Orangeville points out that while the committee has agreed with a suggestion of the church at Abbotsford to use the wording “either publicly or privately; rather, we will first make…” ( of the report), yet in the final draft of the form (8.3.1 and 8.3.2) the committee neglected to include the change.
- 2.6 Winnipeg Redeemer recommends the following changes in the proposed Subscription Forms:
- 2.6.1 to change the word “major assemblies” in paragraph 3 of each form (8.3.1 and 8.3.2) to “broader assemblies.” Grounds: this is more consistent with the terminology used in the proposed church order. The term “broader” is better than “major” since some might interpret “major” as “higher authority.”
- 2.6.2 to change the sentence “During the time of appeal we will acquiesce in the decision of classis or regional synod” in paragraph 5 of the proposed form for use at classis (8.3.1 of the report) to “During the time of appeal we will acquiesce in the decision of consistory or classis or regional synod.” Grounds: Consistory is involved in the process and therefore the appellant should also acquiesce in the decision of consistory.
- 2.7 Elora expresses agreement with including the subscription form for office-bearers in the Book of Praise.
3. Considerations
- 3.1 Regarding Observation 2.4, the church at Fergus Maranatha did not consider that the one form, through time, is signed by successive ministers.
- 3.2 Regarding Observation 2.5, the church at Orangeville is correct.
- 3.3 Observation 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 have merit.
- 3.4 Since the subscription form for office-bearers is not a liturgical form it should be placed after the Church Order in our Book of Praise.
4. Recommendation
Synod decide:
- 4.1 To instruct the committee to as yet include the proper formulation as pointed out by the church at Orangeville (see Obs. 2.5).
- 4.2 To instruct the committee to use the term “broader assemblies” in place of “major assemblies.”
- 4.3 To instruct the committee to change the sentence “During the time of appeal we will acquiesce in the decision of classis or regional synod” in paragraph 5 of the proposed form for use at classis (8.3.1 of the report) to “During the time of appeal we will acquiesce in the decision of consistory or classis or regional synod.”
- 4.4 To adopt the proposed subscription form for office-bearers as amended for inclusion in the Book of Praise after the Church Order.