GS 1998 Article 89Address of Dr. N. H. Gootjes

The chairman expresses thankfulness to the faculty of the Theological College for their dedication and the high caliber of their work. Thereafter he gives the floor to Dr. N. H. Gootjes. He expresses appreciation for the tenure given to himself and Dr. J. de Jong. He notes that today was the last day of the academic season. He notes that all delegated ministers at Synod 1998, with the exception of one, are graduates of the Theological College. He reflects on some aspects of his own field, dogmatology, and on the challenge of teaching theology in a Scriptural and confessional way in today’s world. He thanks Synod 1998 for the opportunity the faculty has had this evening to offer their input, noting especially the strong display of support for the expansion of the College building, and expressing the wish for the blessing of the Lord on the rest of Synod’s labours.