GS 1998 Article 83 – Theological College: Tenure of Dr. J. de Jong and Dr. N. H. Gootjes
Committee IV presents their proposal re this matter. Agenda Item I.B.1.
- A. Report of the Board of Governors to General Synod 1998
- 1. On September 5, 1996 the Board of Governors of the Theological College decided:
- “To ask General Synod 1998 to direct the Board of Governors to grant tenure to Prof. Dr. J. DeJong and Prof. Dr. N. H. Gootjes. According to past practice tenure should have been requested at Synod 1995. This did not happen due to an oversight of the Board of Governors.”
- 2. Synod Abbotsford 1995 adopted a procedure for the granting of tenure (Article 97, paragraph II.B.13).
- A. Tenure should have been granted to Prof. Dr. J. DeJong and Prof. Dr. N.H. Gootjes in 1995.
- B. The fact that this did not take place at that time was caused by an oversight on the part of the Board of Governors.
- C. For this reason, the current procedure adopted by General Synod Abbotsford 1995 has not been followed in the case of Prof. Dr. J. DeJong and Prof. Dr. N.H. Gootjes.
- A. To direct the Board of Governors to grant tenure to Prof. Dr. J. DeJong and Prof. Dr. N.H. Gootjes.
- B. o invite Prof. Dr. J. DeJong and Prof. Dr. N.H. Gootjes to attend a session of synod, so that synod may have the opportunity to inform them of this decision and congratulate them accordingly.
Thereafter the chairman speaks some suitable words to Dr. J. de Jong and Dr. N. Gootjes.