GS 1998 Article 11 – Late material

It is noted that the Guidelines for Synod (published by the convening church) state that “All material for Synod should be received by the convening Church (in twenty-two) copies no later than six weeks prior to the convocation date of General Synod. Material received after this date shall ordinarily not be added to the agenda unless Synod is satisfied that the reasons given for

later arrival are reasonable”(see Appendix II Acts of Synod Abbotsford 1995, p.103; cf. Article 110 and 111 of the same). In this instance the date six weeks prior to convocation date was March 24, 1998.

With this rule in mind, synod considers whether to add the following material to the agenda.

  • 1. CCOPC, recommending that synod appoint representative to next meeting of General Assembly of the OPC. Received March 30, 1998. Declared admissible.
  • 2. Abbotsford re OPC, CRCA and ERQ. Received April 1. Declared inadmissible.
  • 3. Langley re women’s voting. Received March 28. Declared inadmissible.
  • 4. Smithers, re ERQ, Governors, OPC, CRCA, Bible Translations. Received March 28. Declared inadmissible.
  • 5. Chilliwack: re ERQ. Received March 31. Declared inadmissible.
  • 6. Owen Sound, re ERQ. Received March 25. Declared inadmissible.
  • 7. Owen Sound, re Standing Committee for Book of Praise. Received March 25. Declared admissible.
  • 8. Houston, re first rule for ecclesiastical fellowship. Received March 28. Declared inadmissible.
  • 9. London, re Standing Committee for Book of Praise. Received March 31. Declared inadmissible.
  • 10. Ebenezer Burlington, report of the CRCA. Received April 2. Declared inadmissible.
  • 11. Grace Winnipeg, re URCNA. Received April 6. Declared inadmissible.
  • 12. Brampton, re OPC, ERQ, CRCA. Received April 6. Declared inadmissible.
  • 13. Smithville, re Pastoral Proficiency Program, and ERQ. Received April 6. Declared inadmissible.
  • 14. Brampton, re CRCA and Pastoral Proficiency Program. Received April 7. Declared inadmissible.
  • 15. Smithville, re CCOPC. Received April 10. Declared inadmissible.
  • 16. Hamilton, re ERQ and the Pastoral Proficiency Program. Received April 3. Declared inadmissible.
  • 17. Grand Valley, re CRCA. Received April 14. Declared inadmissible.
  • 18. Financial Statements for Theological College, replacement copies of previous report with some corrections. Declared admissible.
  • 19. Denver, re CCOPC. Received April 15. Declared inadmissible.
  • 20. Aldergrove re Surrey’s proposal. Received April 16. Declared inadmissible.
  • 21. Willoughby Heights re Standing Committee for Book of Praise. Received April 16. Declared admissible.
  • 22. Ebenezer Burlington, report as Address Church. Received April 18. Declared admissible.
  • 23. Watford, re CRCA. Received April 18. Declared inadmissible.
  • 24. Br. Bill VanderVeen of Carman, re Nicene Creed. Received April 28. Declared inadmissible.
  • 25. Redeemer Winnipeg, re endorsement of Grace Winnipeg. Received April 28. Declared inadmissible.
  • 26. Rockway, re CRCA. Received April 28. Declared inadmissible.
  • 27. Standing Committee for Book of Praise, reacting to comments received on Nicene Creed. Received May 1. Declared admissible.
  • 28. T. Kingma, edited copies of his earlier submissions. Received May 4. Declared inadmissible.
  • 29. Burlington-Waterdown, re Inspection of the Archives. Received May 5. Declared admissible.
  • 30. CRCA re appointments and retirements. Declared admissible.
  • 31. Rockway, re the meeting on Saturday May 9 1998 where Dr. J. Faber and Dr. P.Y. DeJong will speak. Received for information.

The items declared admissible above will be added to the agenda of Synod (see Article 13 below. These items are designated as L plus the number given above)

Synod adjourns for supper.