GS 1995 ARTICLE 97Theological College

Committee II presents: Agenda items VIII. F. 1 – 8


  • A. Nominations for the Board of Governors from Regional Synod East November 16-17, 1994 and Regional Synod West December 6-7, 1994
  • B. Report of Board of Governors to General Synod 1995
  • C. Report of the Board of Governors (Finance and Property Committee) to General Synod 1995
  • D. Report from the Board of Governors on Tenure Policy
  • E. Submission from the Board of Governors re Possible Expansion of College facilities.
  • F. Report to the Board of Governors by the Publication Foundation
  • G. Letters from the churches at Chilliwack, Watford, Neerlandia, Elora, Houston, Burlington-East and Guelph.


  • A. With respect to the appointments to the Board of Governors Synod observes:
    • 1. The Board of Governors recommends that Synod “appoint, elect or re-appoint six active ministers to hold office until the next General Synod and to appoint at least three substitutes from each Regional Synod area.”
    • 2. Regional Synod East November 16-17, 1994 nominated the following ministers to serve as Governors of the Theological College: D.G.J. Agema, W. den Hollander, P. G. Feenstra; alternates (in order): G. Nederveen, P. Aasman and C. Bosch.
    • 3. Regional Synod West December 6-7, 1994 nominated the following ministers to serve as Governors of the Theological College: R. Aasman, C. VanSpronsen, J. Visscher; alternates (in order): J. Moesker, P.K.A. DeBoer and R.A. Schouten.
    • 4. The Report of the Board of Governors makes the following recommendation with regard to the Governors who will serve on the Finance and Property Committee:
    • a. to re-appoint the brs. K. J. Veldkamp and A. Van Egmond as Governors for a term from the date of their re-appointment until the first General Synod held after the date of their re-appointment;
    • b. to re-appoint br. H. J. Sloots as a Governor for a term from the date of his re-appointment until the second General Synod held after the date of his re-appointment;
    • c. to appoint the brs. M. Kampen of Burlington and J. VanderWoude from Hamilton as Governors for a term from the date of their appointment until the third General Synod held after the date of their appointment (with as alternates the brs. F. Stoffels of Hamilton and L. Jagt of Burlington, in that order).
  • B. The Report of the Board of Governors covers its work and decisions since November 1992. From this Report the following highlights are observed:
    • 1. The Board notes with great thankfulness that the work in the College could continue unhindered during the past two and a half years. The Board itself could meet regularly. Also the professors and students enjoyed health and strength so that the instruction at the College could continue without major interruptions. The Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the College was remembered on the Convocation in September 1994.
    • 2. The Board expresses thankfulness for the substantial help which the College continues to receive from the sister churches in Australia. It is noted that support is witnessed in the students who come from Australia, financial contributions and prayers by our Australian sister churches.
    • 3. The Board reports with thankfulness that the professors are faithful in teaching their courses. At times guest lecturers were invited. The bond between the College and churches is strengthened by having one profes-or visit the churches in the West on a yearly basis.
    • 4. On December 18, 1993 the Board organized an “Open House” for Prof. and Mrs. J. Geertsema on the occasion of their thirtieth wedding anniversary and Prof. Geertsema’s thirtieth anniversary in the ministry.
    • 5. It is noted that on March 4, 1993 the Lord took Prof. L. Selles to Himself. The Board remembers with thankfulness the work of Prof. Selles as one of the first professors at the College. The Board also remembers with thank- fulness the work of Prof. Drs. H.M. Ohmann who retired in 1993 from his position as professor at the Theological University at Kampen.
    • 6. On September 10, 1993 the principalship of the College was transferred from Dr. C. Van Dam to Prof. J. Geertsema. The Board recommends that Synod appoint “Prof. Dr. N.H. Gootjes as Principal for the period of September 1996 to September 1999, and to designate Prof. Dr. J. DeJong as Principal for the years 1999 to 2002, the Lord willing. The transfer of principalship will take place the day after the Convocation in 1996.”
    • 7. Regular visits were made by the Governors to the lectures at the College. The Board reports with thankfulness that the work at the College is done in faithfulness to the Word of God and in harmony with our Reformed Confessions.
    • 8. In response to a Survey/Questionnaire sent out to all former students at the College, the Board made the following decision in September 1994:
      • to appoint a study committee consisting of the Principal, the Professor of Diaconiology and two members of the Academic Committee to
        • a. evaluate moving from the present history-oriented approach to a more practice-oriented approach in certain courses in the diaconiological department;
        • b. consider the suggestions from the ministers and churches regarding the practical aspect of the training (for example, catechism teaching, speaking an edifying word, involving experienced ministers and guest lecturers, the use of workshops and seminars).
    • 9. With thankfulness the Board reports that each year several brothers are admitted to the College. In 1993 five brothers graduated of whom four are now serving the churches. In 1994 two brother completed their studies, of whom one is now serving the churches. At present there are fifteen students at the College.
    • 10. Miss Margaret VanderVelde was hired as full time associate librarian to speed up the transfer of the cataloguing of books to the Library of Congress system. The Senate appointed Miss Margaret VanderVelde to the function of Librarian, and Dr. N.H. Gootjes to the function of Associate Librarian.
    • 11. The Women’s Saving Action supplies the main source of income for purchasing new books. This work of the Women’s Saving Action is greatly appreciated.
    • 12. The Board reports that the growth of the College Library necessitates more room. Currently the library consists of 162 book cases and these are filled to capacity. The Board mentions that although according to the Incorporating Act of the College, the Board can act unilaterally regarding the acquisition and conversion of property, still it seeks advice and direction from Synod. A proposal is added to the Report which has been pre- pared by the Finance and Property Committee which outlines possible expansion of the present facilities. The Board requests a mandate from Synod with regard to future expansion of the College facilities.
    • In an enclosed submission from the Board of Governors, two alternative plans are described. The first plan (A) contemplates a two-level addition which would be added as an entirely separate wing, providing the College with approximately 8377 additional square feet of space. This would include not only library space and 540 book cases, but also faculty and staff lounge, chapel/large meeting room, handicapped washrooms on two levels, and better supervision of the library itself. The cost of this plan is estimated at $848,750.00, excluding furniture, bookcases, fixtures, etc. The second plan (B) contemplates a two-level addition which would be immediately adjacent to the existing library, providing the College with approximately 3177 additional square feet of space. This would increase library space and facilities and allow 344 bookcases. The cost of this plan is estimated at $397,000.00. Plan A is the preferred proposal by the Board of Governors.
    • 13. In response to a request by General Synod 1992, the Board asked the Faculty to prepare a Report on Tenure Policy. This Report is submitted by the Board to Synod. The Board proposes that the suggestions of the Faculty be adopted by Synod 1995 as the policy for tenure for professors at the College. The suggested policy on tenure is as follows:
      • a. Definition
        • The granting of tenure means that a professor’s teaching responsibilities at the Theological College continue indefinitely.
        • In accepting tenure, a professor indicates a commitment to continue to meet the academic standards and to strive for excellence in his discipline. Should this not be the case, the Board of Governors would need to decide whether the status of tenure should be revoked and the professor in question dismissed.
      • b. Criteria
        • The following criteria are important in the granting of tenure:
          • i. The educational background and formal academic upgrading (if desirable and necessary) of the professor. He should be equipped and continue to equip himself to furnish scholarly lectures.
          • ii. The lectures must not only be faithful to the Scriptures and be confessionally sound, but must also be scholarly.
          • iii. The professor must be able to communicate his discipline in a satisfactory manner.
          • iv. The professor must enjoy the respect of his colleagues and of the students.
          • v. The professor must exhibit the ability to respond to student feedback and colleague input for improving his courses or method of teaching.
          • vi. The professor must give evidence of his scholarship through publications, public lectures and participation in activities, especially within the Canadian Reformed community.
      • c. Procedure
        • i. By January 1 of the year in which a Synod will be held, the faculty member involved will submit to the Academic Dean an up-to-date activity list (or curriculum vitae) as well as written self-evaluation, in which he also notes, for example, his contributions to the Theological College.
        • ii. Keeping in mind the target date of six years from the initial appointment, the Academic Committee of the Board of Governors will carefully monitor classroom reports as submitted by the academic governors, as well as input from the academic dean (who will pass on appropriate evaluations from colleagues and also have access to student evaluations). The faculty member involved will be kept fully informed.
        • iii. Before the Synod that is to deal with the granting of the tenure, the academic committee will propose the granting of tenure to the Board of Governors for adoption by the full Board.
        • iv. This proposal will go to the next Synod for implementation, i.e., that is that Synod direct the Board of Governors to grant tenure to the professor involved.
    • 14. The Board reports that the Publication Committee did not agree with recommendations 2 and 3 of Synod 1992 re proposed By-Law 10 (Publication Foundation). The Publication Committee feels that the Board of Governors should not be responsible for publications of the Committee. The Board of Governors feels it ought to be involved in a Publication Foundation which carries the official name of the College. The Board therefore agrees with Synod 1992, and suggests that if the involvement of governors in the Publication Foundation leads to great difficulties, then the other option is to incorporate a separate Publication Foundation.
    • 15. The Publication Foundation submits a report of its activities. The following projects are on their way: a book containing speeches on the Liberation, a book on Dr. K. Schilder, a book on Reformed Church polity and a book on Redemptive Historical preaching.
    • 16. In keeping with the Sabbatical Policy adopted by Synod 1992, the Board has in principle approved a request by Dr. C. Van Dam for research leave for part of 1996.
  • C. Regarding matters pertaining to the property and finances, the Board reports
    • 1. The Finance and Property Committee met regularly. These meetings were attended by the current Principal and the College’s administration assistance, Miss Catharine Mechelse. The term of brother A.L. Vanderhout expired in November, 1992. Br. H.J. Sloots was appointed as his replacement. The Committee mentions that the insight, leadership and contribution of brother Vanderhout will be missed.
    • 2. The College building has been well maintained. The Committee is made aware of the fact that there will soon be a shortage of space for the College library.
    • 3. The salaries of all professors have been reviewed and increased annually, based on the prescribed formula. At the present time one retired professor is supported. The salaries of the staff have been reviewed and where appropriate, increased.
    • 4. The churches continue to support the College faithfully. Special appreciation is expressed for the healthy contributions from our sister churches in Australia.
    • 5. Audited statements of years ending May 31, 1993 and May 31, 1994 are included as appendices. The Board recommends Synod “to consider the audited financial statements and the report of the Auditors for the previous fiscal periods; to relieve the Treasurer of the Board of all responsibilities for these fiscal periods; and to appoint sr. A. Spithoff C.A. as Auditor till next General Synod.
    • 6. Tuition fees for students have been set and approved by the Board of Governors.
    • 7. Based on the College financial budgets, assessments per communicant member are set at $61.00 for the period commencing January 1, 1994 and $63.00 for the period commencing January 1, 1995. Sabbaticals are taken into consideration by the latest budget.
  • D. Letters from Churches
    • The following letters all address the proposed addition to the Theological College.
      • 1. The church at Chilliwack proposes that due to the late submission of the Report of Governors, Synod not make a decision at this time and so give the churches more time for input. Chilliwack also recommends finding alternative storage for books not used very often.
      • 2. The church at Watford requests that costs for the proposed addition be kept as low as possible, especially with a view to the financial burden a large increase in assessment would be to small churches.
      • 3. The church at Neerlandia underlines that the Board of Governors is directly responsible to the churches with respect to property acquisition and conversion. Neerlandia indicates not being in favour of the proposed expansion of College facilities. Apart from the matter of the proposed addition, the letter from the church at Neerlandia also makes mention that reports by governors on the lectures should include an evaluation of teaching methods and these should be reported also to the teachers them- selves. Neerlandia further indicates that due to financial constraints, the churches would be better served if only governors from the East do the visiting of the lectures.
      • 4. The church at Elora approves the proposed expansion. However, Elora does question the need for a large expansion and urges Synod to consider the burden that the “preferred proposal” of the Governors would lay on the churches.
      • 5. The church at Houston recognizes the needs of the College but at the same time points out that it would be a tremendous financial burden if the proposed expansion would be funded by an increase in assessment. Houston recommends other avenues of financing if they are available.
      • 6. The church at Burlington-East does not support the request to expand the College library at this time. The churches have not been given enough time to evaluate the request. Burlington-East overtures Synod, “to set up an independent committee to study and evaluate the present and future needs of the library and the College as a whole and to report to the churches of their finding no later than six months prior to the next General Synod.”
      • 7. The church at Guelph expresses concern that the estimates of the library expansion do not take into consideration furniture, fixtures, etc. Guelph surmises that the real capital costs could be approximately 20% to 30% higher.


  • A. In accordance with section 3.04 (a) of By-Law Number 1 (as amended by By- Law Number 3), the General Synod shall appoint or re-appoint six active ministers to the Board of Governors.
  • B. In accordance with By-Law Number 1, section 3.04 (b), the General Synod shall appoint or re-appoint five brothers who are not ministers.
  • C. On the basis of the reports received, Synod considers that the affairs of the Theological College are being well managed by the Faculty and the Board of Governors, composed of the Academic Committee and the Finance and Property Committee.
  • D. With respect to the Theological College expansion proposal, it is proper that the Board of Governors approached Synod for a mandate regarding future expansion. Based on the evidence submitted by the Board of Governors regarding the growth and future needs of the library and other College functions, it is clear that an expansion of the College facilities is warranted. Considering that the submission of the proposal came late to the churches, the cost considerations are of a major concern to the churches, the proposals have incomplete cost estimates and it is not evident that the expansion is required immediately, it is therefore advisable that the Board of Governors study and prepare a more detailed and definite proposal. This proposal should indicate how this project can be financed from sources and means other than the regular assessment so that it does not unnecessarily burden the churches. A proposal should be submitted to the churches and the next Synod at least six months before the next Synod.
  • E. Synod considers that the Report on Tenure Policy submitted by the Board of Governors fulfils the instruction of Synod 1992. It would be advisable to adopt the proposed policy on tenure so that in the future all faculty members will be treated alike in regards to the matter of tenure.
  • F. Synod considers that the Board of Governors is correct in concluding that if the Publication Committee carries the official name of the College then the Board of Governors bears a certain responsibility for the Committee. Therefore if the Publication Committee feels this leads to difficulties, then there is the option to incorporate a separate Publication Foundation.
  • G. The concern of the church at Neerlandia that the Governors’ reports on the teaching methods of professors are submitted also to the professors is covered by the new tenure policy. As for their concern about the cost of having Governors from the West attend lectures, it should be kept in mind that the cost is minimal, and that it is necessary to maintain this practice in order to do justice to the responsibility laid also on the churches from the West.


Synod decide

  • A. To appoint as Governors of the Theological College the following active minis- ters and their substitutes:
    • From Eastern Canada:
      • D. G. J. Agema, W. den Hollander, P. G. Feenstra; alternates (in order):
        • G. Nederveen, P. Aasman and C. Bosch.
    • From Western Canada:
      • R. Aasman, C. VanSpronsen, J. Visscher; alternates (in order): J. Moesker,
        • P. K. A. DeBoer and R.A. Schouten.
  • B. To appoint as Governors of the Theological College who are not ministers, according to the retirement schedule adopted by the Board of Governors: brothers M. Kampen and J. VanderWoude (nine years); H.J. Sloots (six years); K.J. Veldkamp and A. VanEgmond (three years).
  • C. To express its sincere gratitude for the work done by the retiring Governors: Rev. B.J. Berends, br. H. Buist and br. C.G. Heeringa.
  • D. To express gratitude that the work at the Theological College continues with- out interruption and that all instruction is given in harmony with the Word of God and in agreement with the Confessions of the Canadian Reformed Churches.
  • E. To express thankfulness for the work done by Prof. L. Selles who passed away on March 4, 1993.
  • F. To appoint Prof. Dr. N.H. Gootjes as Principal for the period of Sept. 1996 to Sept. 1999, and to designate Prof. Dr. J. DeJong as Principal for the period of 1999 to 2002. The transfer of principalship will take place the day after the convocation in 1996.
  • G. To approve all decisions and actions of the Board and of its committees for the years 1992, 1993, 1994 and 1995 until the day of the Board’s report.
  • H. To adopt the suggestions of the Faculty regarding a Tenure Policy as the policy asked for by General Synod 1992.
  • I. To direct the Board of Governors to study and prepare a more detailed and definite proposal for the expansion of College facilities, and seek the possibility of financing this project without increasing the assessment to the churches. A proposal should be submitted to the churches and the next Synod at least six months before the next Synod.
  • J. To recommend to the Board of Governors to give the Publication Committee the option to incorporate separately.
  • K. To acknowledge gratefully the work for our Theological College by the Women’s Saving Action.
  • L. To express gratitude to the Board of Governors, the Faculty and Senate and the Staff and volunteers for all their labours for the Theological College.
  • M. To express gratitude to the churches in Canada, the United States and Australia for their faithful and regular support of the Theological College.
  • N. To consider the audited financial statements and the report of the Auditors for the previous fiscal periods; to relieve the Treasurer of the Board of all responsibilities for these fiscal periods; and to appoint sister A. Spithoff C.A. as Auditor till next General Synod.


All Governors present at Synod abstain from voting.