GS 1995 ARTICLE 67 – Appeal Winnipeg re: General Synod 1992, Art. 127
Committee III presents: Agenda item VIII. A. 5
Appeal from the church at Winnipeg against General Synod 1992, Art.127.
Synod decides to declare this appeal admissible.
- A. The church at Winnipeg asks Synod to note its view on the validity of Denver’s request to be admitted into our federation. It is of the opinion that the refusal of admitting Denver on the mere grounds that the Canadian Reformed Churches have recognized the OPC as a true church is illegitimate and that there is an interim situation between the OPC and the Canadian Reformed Churches.
- B. The church at Winnipeg requests Synod to judge that Synod 1992 was inaccu- rate in stating that no church specifically requested Regional Synod that fur- ther investigation be undertaken to examine the request from the church at Denver. The church at Winnipeg requested Regional Synod to judge that Denver should be granted “a full and fair hearing!”
- C. The church at Winnipeg requests Synod to judge that Synod 1992 was incor- rect to send considerations as its judgment on appeals from the churches.
- A. Synod is not called upon to note certain views of churches.
- B. It is correct that the church at Winnipeg asked Regional Synod West 1992 for a full and fair hearing.
- C. General Synod 1992 decided to send considerations to the churches which had appealed this matter. It did this in light of Consideration B (Acts 1992, Art. 127) which reads: “General Synod Lincoln refers in this connection to the consideration that such requests be dealt with “in open consultation with the ecclesiastical assemblies involved” (Acts 1992, Art. 72,IV,A,2,b, and c,vi). This would imply that such consultation between Classis AB/MB, the Presbytery of the Dakotas, and the Christ American Reformed Church as yet may be beneficial.” General Synod refrained from granting or deny- ing the appeals because further consultation was considered beneficial and deemed feasible. On the basis of Art. 30 C.O. General Synod 1992 was correct to sent its considerations as its judgement to the churches which appealed.
Synod decide
- A. That General Synod 1992 was inaccurate in Art. 127 IV.B.
- B. That General Synod 1992 was correct in sending its considerations as its judgement on the appeals from the churches.