GS 1995 ARTICLE 121Appeal br. H. Van den Hoven re: General Synod 1992, Art. 72.

Committee I presents: Agenda item VIII. C. 18


Appeal br. H. Van den Hoven re: Synod 1992, Art. 72,IV,A,2,c,ii


The appeal of br. H. Van den Hoven deals with a decision of General Synod 1992 and was submitted beyond the deadline set by the Guidelines for Synod (Synod 1983, Art. 45). This appeal should be declared inadmissible on this ground. However, it is declared admissible on the ground that it deals with an issue of major concern in the churches and to avoid the impression of not doing full justice to the matter.


Br. H. Van den Hoven requests Synod to judge that “Synod Lincoln erred when making the statement set forth in its Acts Art. 72, IV,A,2,c,ii. (page 51), ‘…these cannot be rejected simply by stating that the OPC has been declared a true church’.” He believes this statement went against the Church Order and God’s Word and the Reformed Confessions.


  • A. The appellant does not prove that Synod Lincoln 1992 violated the Church Order in Art. 72.IV.A.2.c.ii.
  • B. Though the appellant is correct to stress the confessional norm, he is wrong to downplay the historic reality which lies behind the statement “these cannot be rejected simply by stating that the OPC has been declared a true church.” Synod recognized the confessional norm, as well as the consequences of the decision made by Synod 1977 to declare the OPC a true church but not yet establish Ecclesiastical Fellowship Therefore the charge that it went against God’s Word and the Reformed Confessions should not have been directed to Synod 1992 but Synod Coaldale 1977.


Synod decide to deny the appeal of br. H. Van den Hoven.