GS 1995 art 118



The appointments are dealt with in closed session. The following appointments are made:

  • I. Board of Governors:
    • Ministers:
    • Eastern Canada: D. G. J. Agema (2001); W. den Hollander (2001); P. G. Feenstra (2001). Alternates: (in order) G. Nederveen, P. Aasman, C. Bosch.
    • Western Canada: R. Aasman (2004), C. VanSpronsen (1998), J. Visscher (2001). Alternates: (in order) J. Moesker, P. K. A. DeBoer, R. A. Schouten.
    • non-ministers: M. Kampen (2004), J. VanderWoude (2004), H. J. Sloots (2001), K. J. Veldkamp (1998), A. VanEgmond (1998).
  • II. Committee of Relations with Churches Abroad:
    • Rev. J. Visscher (1998)(Convener), Rev. E. Kampen (2001),
    • Rev. C. VanSpronsen (2001), Rev. J. Moesker (2004), br. H.A. Berends (2001), br. S.H. DeBoer (2001), br. A. Nap (1998), br. J. VanderStoep (1998),
  • III. Deputies for the Promotion of Ecclesiastical Unity:
    • East: Dr. J. DeJong (2004) (Convener), Rev. W. den Hollander (2001), br. H.T. VanderVelde (1998),
    • West: Rev. R. Aasman (2001), Rev. J.D. Wielenga (1998), br. P. VanWoudenberg (2004)
  • IV. Standing Committee for the Book of Praise:
    • Rev. G. Nederveen (1998) (convener), Rev. B.J. Berends (2001), sr. C. VanHalen-Faber (2004), br. L. Kingma (2001).
  • V. Committee for Contact with the OPC:
    • Rev. J. DeGelder (convener), Rev. P.G. Feenstra, Dr. N.H. Gootjes, br. G.J. Nordeman, br. G. VanWoudenberg.
  • VI. Committee for Contact with the ERQ
    • Rev. G.H. Visscher (convener), Rev. J.L. VanPopta, br. John Boot, br. W. Oostdyk.
  • VII. Committee on Bible Translations
    • Rev. P. Aasman (2001) (convener), br. W. Smouter (1998), Prof. J. Geertsema, Dr. C. Van Dam.
  • VIII. General Fund: the church at Carman
  • IX. Archives: the church at Burlington-East
  • X. Inspection of Archives: the church at Burlington-West
  • XI. Audit Finances of Synod 1995: the church at Yarrow
  • XII. Address Church
    • Canada: the church at Burlington-East
    • US: the church at Grand Rapids
  • XIII. Committee for Printing the Acts: the clerks of Synod 1995
  • XIV. Convening church for next Synod: Fergus (May 1998)

It is moved and adopted to publish these appointments in the Acts.