GS 1995 ARTICLE 111 – Guidelines for General Synod
Several motions re Guidelines for Synod are made:
I. That the references to the Church Order in the Guidelines be updated according to the present numbering of the Articles.
II. That the Guidelines for Synod as adopted by Synod Cloverdale 1983 and as amended by subsequent Synods be published as a separate Appendix in the Acts of Synod 1995.
III. To add to rule 1.A.:
The convening church shall publish this date along with the rule:
“All material for Synod should be received by the convening church (in twenty- two copies) no later than six weeks prior to the convocation date of General Synod. Material received after this date shall ordinarily not be added to the agenda unless Synod is satisfied that the reasons given for later arrival are reasonable.”
IV. That Synod adds to rule 1.C.: “together with a copy of the current Guidelines for General Synod.”