GS 1995 ARTICLE 101 – Contacts with Churches Abroad
Committee III presents:
Agenda items: VIII. A. 18, 20, C. 3, 24, 40, D. 10.
- A. Report CRCA
- B. Letter from the church at London, re: Rules for Ecclesiastical Fellowship
- C. Letter from the church at Guelph, re: CRCA
- D. Letter from the church at Houston, re: CRCA
- E. Letter from the church at Fergus, re: CRCA
- F. Appeal from Rev. P. Kingma and br. T. Kingma re: Ecclesiastical Contact / ICRC
II. Re: FCS and PCK
- 1. The Mandate of the CRCA regarding the Free Church of Scotland (FCS) was
- a. to offer the FCS, including the FCS congregations in Canada, a relationship of Ecclesiastical Fellowship under the adopted rules;
- b. to charge the CRCA to convey to the FCS the decision of Synod 1992, and to advise the churches and Synod 1995 of the response of the FCS.
- 2. The CRCA reports
- a. The FCS was informed of the decision of 1992. At the Assembly of 1993 the FCS accepted with gladness the relationship of Ecclesiastical Fellowship with the Canadian Reformed Churches in accordance with the agreed upon Rules.
- b. From its work the CRCA considers that the FCS continues to be faithful to the Word of God, to its confessional standards and to its church government.
- 3. The CRCA recommends to continue the relationship of Ecclesiastical Fellowship with the FCS in accordance with the adopted rules.
- 4. The church at Houston requests Synod to mandate the Committee to investigate and so determine whether or not the same divergencies which exist between the OPC and the Canadian Reformed Churches also exist between the FCS and Canadian Reformed Churches and between the PCK and the Canadian Reformed Churches. The CRCA must inform the CCOPC, as well as the churches, concerning their finding before the next Synod.
- 5. The church at Fergus suggests to suspend Ecclesiastical Fellowship with the FCS so that clarification can be obtained as regard the allegations that have been made by the CEIR of the OPC regarding free masons.
- 6. The mandate to the CRCA re: the Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK) was
- a. to inform the PCK of our acceptance of their request for Ecclesiastical Fellowship using the adopted rules;
- b. to formalize this relationship in a manner satisfactory to both church federations;
- c. to inform the churches and to report to the next General Synod on the relationship with the PCK.
- 7. The CRCA reports regarding the PCK
- a. The PCK was informed of the decision of General Synod 1992. The relationship of Ecclesiastical Fellowship was formalized on September 2, 1993.
- b. The PCK suggests that one way to make this relationship more effective would be through an exchange of professors. The CRCA considers that Synod should give this proper consideration.
- 8. The CRCA recommends that Ecclesiastical Fellowship be continued with the PCK in accordance with the accepted Rules.
- 1. Synod notes with thankfulness the report of the CRCA that both the FCS and the PCK accepted the relationship of Ecclesiastical Fellowship with the Canadian Reformed Churches.
- 2. On the basis of the information provided by the CRCA in its report, Synod gratefully concludes that the FCS and PCK are faithful to the Word of God, their confessions and Church Orders.
- 3. The CRCA has fulfilled its mandate regarding our Ecclesiastical Fellowship with these churches.
- 4. The churches of Houston and Fergus suggest that the CRCA investigate the FCS and PCK with regard to certain practices. They do not give proof warranting the need for an investigation.
- 5. With regard to the suggested exchange of professors between Hamilton and Pusan, Synod considers that it is a matter which the CRCA should further investigate, in consultation with the Board of Governors, as to its feasibility.
Synod decide
- 1. To thank the CRCA for its work done since 1992.
- 2. To continue a relationship of Ecclesiastical Fellowship with the Free Church of Scotland and the Presbyterian Church in Korea in accordance with the adopted Rules.
- 3. To mandate the CRCA to investigate the suggested exchange of professors between Hamilton and Pusan.
- 1. Regarding the Reformed Church in the United States (RCUS) the CRCA was mandated to investigate the RCUS with a view to entering into a relationship of Ecclesiastical Fellowship, making use of the findings of the church at Carman.
- 2. Regarding the RCUS the CRCA reports
- a. that the RCUS was informed of the decision of General Synod 1992;
- b. that an exchange of observers took place;
- c. that the CRCA studied in detail the Constitution of the RCUS.
- 3. The CRCA recommends to renew the mandate with regard to the RCUS.
- 4. Regarding the Reformed Church in Zaire (RCZ) the CRCA reports
- a. that the RCZ asked for close relations with the Canadian Reformed Churches;
- b. that information was exchanged. At this moment the CRCA is still awaiting additional information from other sources.
- 5. The CRCA recommends that it be mandated to continue the investigation re RCZ and report to the next General Synod.
- 6. Regarding the Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly (RPCGA) the CRCA reports that
- a. the RPCGA asked that ecclesiastical contact be established between the RCPGA and the Canadian Reformed Churches;
- b. the CRCA asked for more information. At this moment no more information has come in.
- 7. The CRCA recommends that it be mandated to continue the investigation re RPCGA and report to the next General Synod.
- 8. The church at Fergus requests that the CRCA apply less haste in their endeavour to establish a relationship with the RPCGA.
- 1. Regarding the RCUS the CRCA has been faithful in fulfilling its mandate, but could not complete it. The CRCA should be mandated to continue the contact with the RCUS.
- 2. Synod appreciates the cautious approach of the CRCA towards the requests of the RCZ and the RPCGA. This caution is in line with the requests of the church at Fergus.
- 3. The mandate of the CRCA allows the CRCA to continue investigating the requests of these churches. General Synod does not need to make a separate decision in this regard.
Synod decide
- 1. To continue the mandate regarding the Reformed Church in the United States: “to investigate the RCUS with a view to entering into a relationship of Ecclesiastical Fellowship, making use of the findings of the church at Carman.”
- 2. To report on this to the churches at least six months prior to the next General Synod, and to the next General Synod.
- 1. The CRCA’s mandate regarding the ICRC
- a. that the Canadian Reformed Churches be represented at the next meeting of the ICRC;
- b. that the CRCA report to the next Synod, as well as to the churches, giving a report and evaluation of the ICRC, Zwolle, the Netherlands (D.V.) 1993.
- 2. The CRCA reports that
- a. The delegates attended the ICRC in Zwolle. The CRCA gives positive evaluation of this meeting. The ICRC provides an excellent forum for sharing experience and knowledge.
- b. The FRCA have submitted a proposal to amend Art. III, sub 1 of the ICRC Constitution. The FRCA proposes to change the statement “to express and promote the unity of faith that the members churches have in Christ” to “to express and promote unity in the reformed faith which the member churches confess.”
- c. The CRCA considers that the decision of Synod 1992 on the ICRC indicate that the Canadian Reformed Churches are satisfied with the present formulation and therefore the CRCA recommends that no further changes be entertained and supported.
- d. The CRCA recommended the Free Reformed Churches of North America (FRCNA) and the RCUS for membership in the ICRC. There is a question whether this was necessary according to the Constitution of the ICRC.
- 3. Regarding the ICRC the CRCA recommends
- a. that the Canadian Reformed Churches continue to participate in the ICRC and to report to Synod 1998 containing its findings and evaluation;
- b. that the Canadian Reformed Churches be represented at the next meeting of the Conference scheduled to take place in Korea during the month of August in the year of our Lord 1997;
- c. that Dr. J. Visscher and Rev. C. VanSpronsen be sent as voting dele- gates and that in view of his familiarity with the language and customs of Korea, Dr. N.H. Gootjes be appointed as advisor.
- 4. The church at Guelph objects to the CRCA’s recommendation of the FRCNA and the RCUS to the ICRC.
- 5. The church at Fergus requests Synod not to adopt the CRCA’s recommendation regarding delegation to the ICRC, but to send retired ministers and elders.
- 6. The church at Houston suggests to regularly rotate the delegations sent to meetings of the ICRC and meetings with other churches with whom we are in contact or fellowship.
- 1. The CRCA is to be thanked for fulfilling its mandate with regard to the ICRC.
- 2. With regard to the proposal of the FRCA the CRCA is correct in its consid- eration that this matter should not be supported.
- 3. The church at Guelph is correct that the CRCA should not have supported the request of the FRCNA and the RCUS. The letters of support state more than our Synods have decided with regard to these churches. These letters could pre-empt the discussion with these churches.
- 4. The suggestion of the church at Houston is a valuable suggestion. To rotate delegation from within and outside of the CRCA will enhance the experience of others. The CRCA will do well to keep this in mind in future recommendations. With respect to the suggestion of Houston to do the same to meetings with other churches with whom we are in contact, Synod considers that such a practice would hamper the functioning and continuity of the synodical committees.
Synod decide
- 1. That the Canadian Reformed Churches continue to participate in the ICRC and report to Synod 1998 its findings and evaluation.
- 2. That the Canadian Reformed Churches be represented at the next meeting of the Conference scheduled to take place in Korea during the month of August in the year of our Lord 1997;
- 3. That Rev. C. VanSpronsen and Dr. N.H. Gootjes be sent as voting delegates.
- 1. The CRCA reports that it issued declarations to several ministers who travelled abroad. It also published several reports and articles in Clarion.
- 2. The church at Guelph objects to the fact that the CRCA used Clarion to inform the churches of various matters. It contends that this is incorrect since Clarion is not an official publication of the Canadian Reformed Churches. In Guelph’s opinion the CRCA should have notified all the con- sistories by letter.
- 3. Guelph also questions the practice of issuing declarations for ministers who are travelling abroad, because in its mandate the CRCA does not receive authorization for this practice.
- 1. The church at Guelph is correct that, when the CRCA is mandated to report to the churches, a notice in Clarion does not suffice. The CRCA should also send a letter to the churches.
- 2. The Rules for Ecclesiastical Fellowship 4 & 5 imply the practice of issuing declarations for ministers who are travelling abroad. The CRCA does not need a specific authorization for this practice.
- 1. The CRCA recommends the following mandate:
- a. to investigate all the requests received for entering into ecclesiastical fellowship;
- b. to respond, if possible and feasible, to specific requests made to attend Assemblies, Synods, or meeting of other churches;
- c. to report on its findings with suitable recommendations, to the next General Synod.
- 2. The church at Guelph requests a more focussed mandate for the CRCA as far as responding to new requests for Ecclesiastical Fellowship is con- cerned. Guelph’s suggests that priority should be given to relations with churches in the Americas.
- 3. The church at Houston proposes to adopt a policy of concentrating primari- ly on investigating and contacting North American churches.
Concerning the requests from Guelph and Houston, Synod refers to the con- sideration III.C. of Art. 112, of the Acts of General Synod 1992.
Synod decide to give the CRCA the following mandate:
- 1. to investigate all the requests received for entering into Ecclesiastical Fellowship;
- 2. to respond, if possible and feasible, to specific requests made to attend Assemblies, Synods, or meetings of other churches;
- 3. to report on its findings with suitable recommendations to the next General Synod.
The church at London makes several proposals with regard to the current Rules for Ecclesiastical Fellowship.
The Rules for Ecclesiastical Fellowship have been adopted by General Synod 1992. In order to change these Rules, the church at London must prove that the current Rules are against Scripture, Confession or the Church Order. London does not do this. Therefore Synod cannot deal with this.
Synod decide not to grant the request of London.
- 1. Rev. and br. T. Kingma urge Synod to reverse a trend, which in their opinion, can be traced from Synod to Synod, and which was confirmed at Synod 1992
- a. by terminating the relationship of Ecclesiastical Fellowship the C/ARCs have established with the FRCSA, FRCA, RCN and by returning to the Rules for Sister church correspondence as adopted by Synod 1962;
- b. by terminating the relationship of Ecclesiastical Fellowship the C/ARCs have established with the PCK and FCS;
- c. by terminating our membership of the ICRC.
- 2. The grounds for this appeal are
- a. that Synod 1992 changed the Rules without proving that the old rules were unscriptural. They state that new rules were put in practice with the purpose of establishing the possibility of intercommunion and pulpit exchange with churches with which the unity of the faith is missing;
- b. that the Canadian Reformed Churches do not have the unity of the faith with these churches seeing that they have the Westminster Confession;
- c. that within the ICRC this unity of the faith is missing as well.
- 1. The rules adopted by Synod 1992 are not different in principle, but a new formulation of the old rules. The appellants fail to prove that the new rules are against the Scriptures, the Confession or the Church Order.
- 2. As to relationships with churches that maintain the Westminster Standards, this matter will be dealt with in connection with several appeals yet before this assembly.
Synod decide to deny the appeal of Rev. P. Kingma and br. T. Kingma.
- 1. Synod 1992 instructed the CRCA to submit a financial statement and a budget to this Synod.
- 2. The CRCA submits a financial statement for the period 1993-1994 and a budget for 1995-1998.
- 3. In the period 1993-1994 the CRCA spent $ 14,052.98. The proposed budget is $ 12,000.00.
Synod decide to adopt the following budget for the CRCA:
ICRC (fees) | 2,500.00 |
Meeting of ICRC | 3,000.00 |
Meeting RCUS | 1,500.00 |
Miscellaneous | 3,000.00 |
Total | $ 10,000.00 |