GS 1992 ARTICLE 77Appeal of Br. L. Van Zandwyk re Acts 1989, (Art. 154)

Committee I presents: Agenda item VIII D12

This is discussed in closed session. Elder H. Faber abstains from voting.


Letter of appeal from br. L. Van Zandwyk re Acts, 1989, Art. 154.


  • A. The adopted Guidelines for Synod stipulate that “all appeals should ordinarily be at the convening church at least one month before Synod convenes.” (Guidelines, I,D.) The cause of justice and responsible decision making is not served when members of a broader assembly have to deal with extensive appeals that they have neither read beforehand nor been able to research carefully.
  • B. Regulations used by broader assemblies are put in place to serve the churches and the individual members in order that matters brought before these assemblies can be dealt with in a well-prepared and well-considered manner.
  • C. The appeal of br. Van Zandwyk was received on Monday November 2, one day before the Constitution of General Synod. Br. Van Zandwyk does not give reasonable explanation for this delay.
  • D. The postscripts to the appeal indicate that the appeal is “by and large an earlier essay on this matter, written in 1990” and therefore could have been submitted earlier.
  • E. The content of br. Van Zandwyk’s submission is such that the time allowed by the Guideline, I,D is essential to do justice to this appeal.


Synod decide to declare this appeal inadmissible.