GS 1992 ARTICLE 54Reopening

The chairman opens the meeting by asking that Psalm 145: 1 and 5 be sung and reading Micah 4: 1-7. Since it is Remembrance Day, the chairman reflects on the fact that it is customary, one day in the year, to remember those who lost their lives in the wars of this century. He remembers Canada’s participation in these wars, as well as Holland’s, which has led to the suffering and loss of life in some of our families. The freedom we have today has been granted by the Lord through the fighting of oppression. We do not know what oppression lies ahead. Micah 4 speaks of a day when swords shall be beaten into plowshares, and spears into pruning hooks. Ultimately all conflicts are governed by God and are His judgments on the nations, but they will not continue endlessly, for the day is coming when our Lord Jesus Christ will restore all things and bring perfect peace.

The chairman leads in prayer.

Roll call shows that all members of Synod are present.