GS 1989 ARTICLE 97Reopening

The chairman requests the delegates to sing Hymn 4:1,4. He reads Revelation 4 and leads in prayer.

Roll call shows that brs. G.J. Nordeman, L. Stam and A. Van Egmond are absent. These brothers have given due notice of their absence.

The chairman welcomes the delegates and wishes them the Lord’s strength to contin- ue the work at Synod. He notes that Rev. P. Aasman has accepted his call to the Church at Grand Valley, and that the Church at Smithville has extended a call to Rev.

R. Aasman. The chairman wishes Rev. R. Aasman wisdom to make a decision pleas- ing to the Lord. On behalf of Synod, the chairman extends congratulations to Rev. and Mrs. C. Bosch who are celebrating their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The second clerk will pass the congratulations on to them on behalf of Synod.