GS 1989 ARTICLE 61 – Committee III presents: Agenda Item VIII, A, 2, a,
Report of the Board of Governors of the Theological College of the Canadian Reformed Churches.
- 1. The report submitted covers the academic years 1985-1986, 1986-1987, and 1987-1988. Due to the early date of Synod 1989, it was not possible to cover fully the academic year 1988-1989, however some information on this year is provided.
- 2. The work at the Theological College could continue without interruption although the passing away of brother Garnet Peet B.A., M. Div. made a deep impression on the College community.
- 3. The Governors who faithfully visited the lectures during the past three years report that the scholarly instruction at our College is given in accordance with the Word of God and is in harmony with the Reformed confessions.
- 4. The course leading to a “Diploma Theological Studies” approved by Synod 1986 has been finalized and put into place.
- 5. During the past three years eleven students have graduated from our College, seven of whom have received/accepted a call from our churches. At present there are 5 students enrolled at our College (4 seniors and 1 freshman). Various promising contacts have been made with future students.
- 6. The Board of Governors is thankful to report: i. the promotion of the professor of Old Testament, C. Van Dam to doctor theologiae at the Theologische Hogeschool in Kampen on June 5, 1986, ii. Prof. J. Geertsema has been appointed Dean of Students.
- 7. The Board of Governors regretfully but also positively accepted Dr. J. Faber’s request for retirement, in deep gratitude for what Dr. J. Faber has meant for our College as professor and principal since it was established. Dr. K. Deddens who has served our College capably and well for a term of six years is expect- ed to retire; the Board of Governors is grateful for the work that he has done.
- 8. The retirement of Dr. J. Faber also means that the position of principal must be reviewed. By-law No 1 (Sec.8.01) requires that the Board of Governors shall seek the advice of Synod with respect to the appointment of the Principal, his power, function, and duty.
- Until now this principalship was a permanent position. This was largely due to the fact that at the time when the College was established, there was only one professor in the possession of a Doctor of Theology degree. Now this situation has changed. In most American institutions the (permanent) principalship is almost exclusively a full-time administrative function, but at our College this is not so, for the Principal also has a full teaching load. The Board of Governors, after consultation with the Senate, therefore proposes to General Synod that there be from now on a rotating principalship.
- It is proposed that Dr. C. Van Dam be appointed as Principal for the period of January 1, 1990 – August 31, 1993 and that Prof. J. Geertsema be designated as Principal for the period of September 1, 1993 – August 31, 1996.
- 9. The Board of Governors gratefully acknowledges the work of Mrs. K. Marren who moved with her husband and family to Smithers, B.C. and has been replaced as librarian by Miss Marian van Til (B.A.). Catherine Mechelse is functioning well as administrative assistant and as assistant librarian.
- 10. The Board of Governors request the approval of the following amendments to the by-laws of the Theological College Act:
- i. add By-law number 6 which concerns salary, retirement and pensions, to ensure that the amount of pension received by the spouse of a professor is not deducted from his pension.
- ii. add By-law number 7 to clarify that the vice-chairman and vice-principal are appointed by the Board of Governors. Changes are also proposed to this by-law to clarify that the academic dean, dean of students and regis- trar are elected and appointed by a simple majority vote of a Senate meet- ing at the commencement of the academic year. This new by-law results in some minor changes to By-law Numbers 1 and 4.
- iii. add By-law number 8 by which professors, whenever possible, must give two years notice of intended retirement.
- 11. The Board of Governors mentions the blossoming contacts which the College has with our sister churches in Australia who have officially decided to support the Theological College as per Synod decision in 1987. The Board expects the existing contacts to intensify and has gratefully solicited the further support and input of our sister churches in Australia. They are grateful to the LORD for this undeserved blessing.
- 12. The Board of Governors remembers the passing away of our sr. G. Selles who from the beginning of our College’s existence has been active in the Women’s Savings Action. They are grateful for her enthusiasm and fruitful work done so faithfully for our Theological College throughout these many years.
- 1. It is beneficial to the faculty to establish a rotating principalship.
- 2. It is beneficial and proper to approve By-law numbers 6, 7 and 8, along with related amendments as adopted by the Board of Governors and described in Observation 10.
Synod decide:
- 1. to express gratitude that the work at the Theological College continues without interruption and that all instruction is given in harmony with the Word of God and in agreement with the confessions of the Canadian Reformed Churches.
- 2. to acknowledge gratefully that the professor of Old Testament, C. Van Dam was promoted to doctor theologiae at the Theologische Hogeschool in Kampen.
- 3. to acknowledge gratefully the faithful labour of Dr. J. Faber as professor of Dogmatology and Ethics and as principal of our College since his appointment in 1968.
- 4. to acknowledge gratefully the faithful work of Dr. K. Deddens as professor of Diaconiology and Ecclesiology of our College since his appointment in 1983.
- 5. to appoint Dr. C. Van Dam as principal of the Theological College for the peri- od of January 1, 1990 – August 31, 1993 and to designate Prof. J. Geertsema as principal for the period of September 1, 1993 – August 31, 1996, the LORD willing.
- 6. to acknowledge gratefully the work for our Theological College by the Women’s Saving Action, especially the work of our late sr. G. Selles.
- 7. to approve the By-laws numbers 6, 7, and 8 and to amend the related by-laws accordingly.
- 8. to express appreciation for the work done by the faculty to serve the churches in general with their expertise, and to encourage the faculty to publish the results of their endeavours for the benefit of all the churches.
- 9. to receive and adopt the report and the supplementary report of the Board of Governors and all appendices.
- 10. to acknowledge gratefully and approve the actions of the Board of Governors and officers of the College as mentioned in these reports.