GS 1989 ARTICLE 148


Seeing that this is the last session of Synod at which br. Jac. van der Kolk is present, the chairman bids him farewell with the following words:

  • Br. van der Kolk, we were honoured to have you with us as a delegate from our sister churches in the Netherlands. We thank you for the words you spoke addressing Synod and when you advised Synod about the position of our “Dutch sister” regarding churches abroad and in particular the ICRC. You must have noticed some difference of opinion on this matter. However, rest assured that we are united in the same faith and under the same Head, Christ Jesus. We wish you a safe journey home and the Lord’s blessing for the the churches in the Netherlands and for you personally.

Br. Jac. van der Kolk replies by saying:

  • I am thankful that I could be here among you. I enjoyed and am grateful for the hospitality which has been shown. I think I have learned more about the Canadian Reformed Churches during my ten day stay than in the entire three years I have been a deputy for Churches Abroad of our churches. Ten days ago when I came here, I met sixteen brothers, now I am leaving sixteen friends. Brothers, I hope that the Lord will strengthen you to complete your work. You may rest assured that you and your churches will be remembered in our prayers. Also remember us in your prayers.

Synod is adjourned for lunch and committee work.