GS 1989 ARTICLE 146
Committee III presents: Agenda VIII, B, 4
Letter from br. R. Dykstra, re notations for the Book of Praise
Br. R. Dykstra notes:
- 1. that the Standing Committee “has used the Liedboek voor de Kerken as an example for lay-out and music notation”. (Acts, General Synod 1980, Art. 122 Rec. 5, p.89)
- 2. that it is stated on pages VII and VIII of the Book of Praise: “As for the musical notation of the Psalms in this Edition of the Book of Praise, permission was received from the Interkerkelijke Stichting voor het Kerklied to follow the example of the Liedboek voor de Kerken.”
- 3. that the Standing Committee for the Publication of the Book of Praise has adopted a “new” musical notation, “in order to achieve uniform notation and a suitable format” (Acts General Synod 1980) and, “as an example for layout and music notation”. (Acts General Synod 1983)
- 4. Br. Dykstra requests:
- i. that General Synod 1989 “affirm its concurrence with the previous General Synod’s statement that the Liedboek der Kerken notation was utilized for the purpose of achieving uniform notation and a suitable format in the Book of Praise.”
- ii. General Synod 1989 “to judge that the Synod 1980 decision to use the musical notation from the Liedboek der Kerken may not be interpreted as a decision to compel consistories, organists, and congregations of the Canadian Reformed Churches to change the traditional practice of singing certain psalms with the use of chromatically altered notes (toevallige verhogingen of verlagingen) since it is not in the province of Synod to make such a decision.”
- 1. According to Art. 55 C.O., in the worship services the Psalms will be sung in the rhyming adopted by General Synod and the Hymns approved by General Synod.
- 2. It is not within the province of General Synod to decide on technical matters concerning music notations but for the sake of order in the churches some direction toward uniformity may be appropriate.
- 1. to grant br. Dykstra’s request to confirm that the Standing Committee for the Book of Praise is instructed to use the Liedboek der Kerken notation to be utilized for the purpose of achieving uniform notation and a suitable format in the Book of Praise.
- 2. to affirm that the above decision does not compel consistories, organists, and congregations of the Canadian Reformed Churches to change the traditional practice of singing certain Psalms with the use of chromatically altered notes (toevallige verhogingen of verlagingen) since it is not in the province of Synod to make such a decision.