GS 1989 ARTICLE 103 – Committee I presents: Agenda Item VIII, I (continued from Article 102)
Report of the Committee for Relations with Churches Abroad
IV – Presbyterian Church in Korea (Koryu-Pa or Kosin) (PCK)
- 1. The Committee has fulfilled its mandate with regard to the Presbyterian Church of Korea, by informing them of decisions made by Synod 1986 regarding their churches.
- 2. The Committee notes that communications with the PCK have not met with any reaction.
- 1. The lines of communication with the PCK still appear to be very poor. According to Synod 1986 (Acts, Art. 150, Considerations 2 and 5), there should be a proper line of communication with the PCK in order to work towards a sister-church relationship.
- 2. With regard to the PCK, the Committee has tried to fulfill its mandate.
Synod decide:
- 1. to thank the Committee for its work done with regard to the Presbyterian Church in Korea (Koryu-Pa)
- 2. to charge the Committee to continue to be diligent regarding the matter of communication with the PCK, and report to the next General Synod.