GS 1986 ARTICLE 21

Introduction Rev. G.D. Jerrell

The Rev. G.D. Jerrell of Roswell. New Mexico, representative of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, is introduced by the Rev. W. Huizinga, with the following words:

“Brothers and sisters, delegates of General Synod,

It is my pleasure to be asked to introduce the fraternal delegate from the Orthodox Presbyterian Church –  the Reverend Glenn D. Jerrell. I say that because it was my privilege to study with him. Before our Theological College was instituted, Prof. Van Dam, Rev. Boersema, and I studied at Westminster Theological Seminary. There we met the now Rev. Glenn D. Jerrell who was also in the same first year class. I even enjoyed working with him in some home mission projects at the State Peniten­tiary and the Rehabilitation Center.

But much time elapsed before we saw each other again. At the 1982 General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church at Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, as the delegate of the Canadian Reformed Churches, I saw him again. In fact, we roomed together during my stay at the General Assembly, so that we could renew old ac­quaintances. At that time the Orthodox Presbyterian Church was busy discussing the invitation of the Presbyterian Church in America.

Let me tell you something about Rev. Glenn D. Jerrell.  After  an internship of one year he became the minister of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church at Winner, South Dakota. He served there for four years. Then he moved to the Orthodox Presbyterian Church at Roswell, New Mexico, where he has stayed for the last eight years. Another important  fact about him is that he is a member of the Committee  for Ecumenicity and lnterchurch Relations for the last three years. This is the committee with which our contact committee deals. He is joined in that committee with another  minister from the presbytery – Rev. J.J. Petersen. In the Committee on Ecumenicity and lnterchurch Relations  he has worked  with Rev. Petersen on  the  ‘Biblical Principles of the Unity of the Church.’ These principles constitute an important part of the report of the committee to their General Assembly concerning the invitation to join the PCA. He has also worked on a General Assembly Committee for revision of the Book of Discipline & the Directory of Worship. Thus we can welcome a delegate who has con­siderable experience in the life of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

It is my privilege to introduce the Rev. Glenn D. Jerrell.”