GS 1986 ARTICLE 141
Appeal of br. H. Boersma
Committee 4 presents:
– Agenda , VIII, J, 5.
A motion, duly seconded, reads:
Replace Considerations and Recommendation as follows:
- 1. This is an appeal against the decision of Classis Ontario-South of Sept. 11, 12/85. Such an appeal should go to Regional Synod East.
Synod declares this appeal inadmissible. This motion is DEFEATED.
A motion, duly seconded, reads:
Delete Observations 4 and 5.
Replace Considerations and Recommendation as follows.
- 1. Although br. H. Boersma is correct in stating that the decision of Classis Ontario South to admit the Reformation Church at Blue Bell has an effect on the relationship which our whole federation has with the OPC, he does not prove it to be against the Church Order for a classis to receive another church into the federation of Canadian Reformed Churches.
- 2. An appeal against a classis-decision should be addressed to the next regional synod.
Synod decides not to grant the request of br. H. Boersma. This motion is ADOPTED.
The amended report reads now:
- 1. The br. H. Boersma request the “General Synod to condemn this decision (i.e. of Classis Ontario-South re: admission of the Reformation Church at Blue Bell in the federation of Canadian Reformed Churches).”
- 2. Br. H. Boersma states that this matter of admitting a church into the federation of churches “is a matter belonging to the churches in common.”
- 3. Br. H. Boersma furthermore states; “In addition, the relationship of our whole federation with the OPC will undoubtedly be influenced by the decision.”
- 1. Although br. H. Boersma is correct in stating that the decision of the Classis Ontario-South to admit the Reformation Church at Blue Bell has an effect on the relationship which our whole federation has with the OPC, he does not prove it to be against the Church Order for a Classis to receive another church into the federation of Canadian Reformed Churches.
- 2. An appeal against a classis-decision should be addressed to the next Regional Synod.
Synod decides not to grant the request of br . H. Boersma.
The recommendation is ADOPTED.