Committee Ill presents:
- – Agenda VIII. A, 2 a. Report to General Synod 1983.
- 2 c. Act, By-Laws, and Regulations.
- 1. “The Canadian Reformed Theologica l College Act, 1981 necessitated some changes in the organization of the College.”
- 2. These changes, among others, include the following:
Section 5(2).
- “Within three years from the coming into force of this Act, the Board shall be reconstituted to consist of eleven Governors to be elected or appointed by Synod in such manner as may be prescribed by the by-laws of the College, for a term of three years.”
Section 5(5):
- “The Board may by by-law,
- a. reduce the size of the Board to consist of not fewer than seven Governors or increase the size of the Board; and
- b. provide for the election and retirement of Governors in rotation, but no such by-law shall come into effect until it has been confirmed by Synod.”
Section 5(11)
- “The government, conduct, management and control of the College and of its property, revenues, expenditures, business and affairs are vested in the Board and the Board has all powers necessary or convenient to perform its duties and achieve the object and purpose of the College including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the power.
- c. to appoint, in accordance with the policies established by Synod, members of the faculty who are in full accord with the basis of the College as set out in section 4;
- d. to promote, suspend and remove and to grant tenure and leave of absence to members of the faculty in accordance with the policies established by Synod. but any action resulting in suspension or removal of a faculty member shall be in accordance with the by-laws of the College and is subject to an appeal to Synod;”
Section 6(1):
- “synod shall assemble not less than every three years to do, in addition to any other business that may be transacted, the following:
- a. Receive the report of the Board as to the operation of the College.
- b. Elect or appoint the Governors in accordance with sub-section 5(2) to (6).
- c. Consider the audited financial statements and the report of the auditor for the previous fiscal periods.
- d. Appoint the auditors until the next assembly of Synod.
- e. Confirm or reject any by-laws passed by the Board that under this Act re quire confirmation by Synod.”
- 3. The Board of Governors recommends that Synod confirm the adoption of:
- By-Law Number 1 being a by-law relating generally to the affairs of the Theological College of the Canadian Reformed Churches (with Regulation No. 1 being a part thereof);
- By-Law Number 2 being a by-law respecting the borrowing of money and the issue of securities; and
- By-Law Number 3 being a by-law to amend Section 3.04 of By-Law Number 1 pertaining to the election and term of Governors, including the election or appointment and retirement in rotation of five Governors.
- 1. General Synod 1980 approved the action taken by the Board of Governors. Board of Trustees and Faculty with regard to the incorporation of the College by means of a Private Bill in the Ontario Legislature in accordance with the draft Private Bill added to the additional Report of Board of Governors and to charge the joint Boards to pursue this matter. Acts 1980. Art. 44, Ill, C, 8.
- 2. General Synod 1980 requested “the Board of Governors and the Board of Trustees to serve the next General Synod with proposals as to the emendation of the present Constitution, if the Private Bill becomes an official law of the Province of Ontario.”
- 3. According to the Act, 1981, passed by the Ontario Legislature, the Synod shall “confirm or reject any by-laws passed by the Board that under this Act require confirmation by the Synod.” [see 6(1)e].
- 4. The Board of Governors has fulfilled its mandate and has presented Synod 1983 with proposals for the emendation of the Constitution, which proposals are in keeping with the basic structure and setup of the College.
- 5. For the purpose of the proper functioning of the College and in keeping with its new status as a recognized degree-granting institution, the Synod needs to confirm the adoption of By-Law 1, 2, 3.
General Synod decides:
- 1. to acknowledge with gratitude the work done by the Board of Governors on the Act, By-Laws and Regulations, and to express its appreciation especially to Mr. C.M. Loopstra, LL.B. for his efforts in drawing up the Act, By-Laws and Regulations:
- 2. to confirm the adoption of By-Law 1, 2, 3;
- 3. to place the Act, By-Laws and Regulations in the Append ices of the Acts.
Committee Ill presents:
– Agend a VIII, A. 2 a. Report Board of Governors.
- 1. The work at the Theological College could continue unhindered in every way, while the instruction has been faithful to the Scriptures and the Confession, and on a scholarly level.
- 2. While three students completed their studies, the present total enrolment stands at fifteen.
- 3. Pursuant to section 10 of the Canadian Reformed Theological College Act 1981, the Board of Governors authorized the Senate to confer degrees as follows: “the Master of Divinity degree on students who entered the College with a Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent), and the Bachelor of Divinity degree on those who had been admitted on the basis of an admission exam (without an undergraduate degree).”
- 4. Upon advice of the Senate and in order to maintain an academic level of instruction, the Board decided that a student needs to attain a weighted average of 65% to continue his studies at the College or to graduate.
- 5. The Rev. H. Scholten M.Th. passed away in January, 1982. Prof. H.M. Ohmann left to assume his professorial position at the Theological College at Kampen, The Netherlands. The Rev. C. VanDam M.Th. was properly installed on September 4, 1981 and has since fulfilled his teaching duties. The Rev. G. Van Dooren was appointed as “temporary instructor” until such time that a fourth professor can assume his duties.
- 6. On December 11, 1981, the Theological College became an incorporated institution by the enactment of the Canadian Reformed Theological College Act 1981, in the Ontario Legislature. This gives the College the authority to grant the degrees of Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Divinity, Master of Divinity, and Master of Theology. The Board expresses its appreciation to Mr. C.M. Loopstra, LL.B., who spent much time and effort to prepare the Private Bill, and to the Honourable Mr. George A. Kerr. Member of Provincial Parliament, who sponsored the Bill in the Ontario Legislature.
Synod decides:
- 1. to express gratitude that the work at the Theological College could continue un hindered and that all instruction could be given properly according to the Word of God;
- 2. to express gratitude that because of the adoption and execution of the Canadian Reformed Theological College Act, 1981, the academic stature of the College could be recognized and promoted;
- 3. to express gratitude in writing to both Mr. C.M. Loopstra for preparing the Private Member’s Bill and to the Hon. Mr. George A. Kerr M.P.P., who sponsored the Bill in the Ontario Legislature.
Committee Ill presents:
- – Agenda A, 2 a. Report to General Synod (Board of Governors)
- e. Finance and Property Committee (formerly Board of Trustees)
- 12th (1980), 13th (1981) Annual Reports
- Financial Statements, 1980-1983 First Annual Report.
- 1. Property and Finance Committee Activities Generally
- a. The Finance and Property Committee report thankfully that “with the cooperation of the Churches, Academic Committee, Faculty and Students they have been able to perform the task assigned to them in brotherly harmony and in good health.”
- b. The Board of Trustees functioned as a Committee of the Board of Governors after the incorporation of the College by means of the Canadian Reformed Theological College Act 1981, and became officially known as the Property and Finance Committee of the Board of Governors after the passing of the By-laws, April 21, 1982.
- 2. Physical Plant
- a. The Board of Governors reports “that in spite of the efforts of the Finance and Property Committee, a more suitable building for our College has not yet been found.” The decision to increase the building reserve from $5,000 to $25,000 annually is considered to be a step in the right direction. The Board hopes that better facilities can be obtained in the very near future.
- b. Various necessary repairs and renovations were made in order to keep the physical plant operational.
- c. Br. G. Meyer was able to perform the necessary janitorial duties, as per con tract, to everyone’s satisfaction. The students were faithful in doing their share of the maintenance work in and around the building.
- 3. General Insurance Coverage
- The insurance on the building and contents has been updated.
- 4. Salaries
- The professors and lecturers were remunerated in accordance with the salary schedule as approved by Synod Smithville 1980, the professors with an annual cost of living allowance (1982: 5.7%; 1982/83: 9.6%; 1983184: 5.26% ).
- 5. Organizational
- a. Administrative Assistant
- After more than five years as administrative assistant, Miss Anne VanSydenborgh has left the College. Appreciation is expressed for the excellent work she has done since her appointment in 1976. The Board expresses satisfaction for the work of her replacement, Miss Teresa G. Bouwman.
- b. The yearly contract of the caretaker, br. G. Meyer, has remained unchanged at $152.00 monthly. Additional services were provided at the rate of $5.00 per hour.
- a. Administrative Assistant
- 6. Financial
- a. Contributions
- Thankfulness is expressed to the Churches which have cooperated by properly paying their contributions, and the hope is expressed that all Churches will do so in the future.
- b. Tuition Fees
- Tuition fees have been increased to $200.00 per semester for students, and to $600.00 per semester for students who are not members of one of the Churches or sister Churches.
- c. Audited Financial Statements
- Audited financial statements were sent to the Churches and Synod as appendices to the Reports for the years 1981, 1982 and 1983. A comprehensive statement for the period January 1. 1980-May 31, 1983 has been sent to Synod. The Board recommends to appoint Robinson, Lott and Brohman, Chartered Accountants, as auditors until the next assembly of Synod.
- d. Investments
- No changes of significance were made in the investment policy, while all interest earned and yield received was added to the respective funds.
- e. Budget
- The budget 1981 did not need any increase. The budget 1982 needed an increase from $29.00-$31 00 per communicant member. The 1983/84 budget needed an increase from $31.00-$33.00. The Board reports that the proposed appointment of Dr. K. Deddens will not affect the budget 1983/84, while with regard to the budget 1984/85. it is to be noted that as per 1980 a special reserve has been created to meet initial expenses related to the appointment of a fourth full-time professor.
- F. Special provisions
- Prof. C. VanDam has been provided with a low-interest loan in order to purchase a home and with a forgiveable loan to cover the extra costs of his studies in The Netherlands.
- a. Contributions
- 1. Although General Synods since 1974 have urged the Board to pursue the acquiring of other suitable facilities, it again appears that efforts were made in this respect. but without result.
- 2. The Board of Governors themselves report that the present facilities are inadequate.
Synod decide:
- 1. Gratefully to acknowledge the work done by the Board of Governors and to approve of their actions as mentioned in the reports.
- 2 Gratefully to acknowledge the faithful work done by Miss Anne VanSydenborgh (now Mrs. S.P.C. VanderMolen) during the five years as administrative assistant at the College.
- 3. a. To express the disappointment of Synod that after nine years, no concrete results can be seen with respect to acquiring other facilities;
- b. To direct the Board of Governors to give the matter of acquiring other facilities for the Theological College full attention, and to have this matter finished before the next General Synod. The Board shall present Synod with a detailed report on their activities in this regard.
- 4. To take note of the fact that the Board of Governors has not presented to Synod any proposals regarding salaries of Faculty members (as decided by Synod Smithville 1980, Acts, Art. 44, C, 7, and stipulated in the Regulation No. 1 sub 3) and that Synod therefore cannot approve any such proposals.
- 5. To express gratitude to the Churches for their faithful financial support of the Theological College and to urge the Churches to remain diligent in remitting their contributions in advance, as requested by the Board of Governors.
- 6. Gratefully to acknowledge the annual donations of the Women’s Saving Action.
- 7. To take note of the audited financial statements and the report of the auditors for the fiscal periods January 1980-May 1983, to add these reports and statements as appendices to the Acts of Synod, and to relieve the treasurer of the Board of Governors of all responsibilities for the periods indicated.
- 8. To appoint Robinson, Lott and Brahman, Chartered Accountants, as auditors until the next General Synod.
- 9. To approve the Budget 1984.
- 10. To express thankfulness to the Lord that the Theological College was able to function under His blessing with the necessary funds from the Churches.