GS 1983 ARTICLE 3Examination of Credentials

After examination of the attendance record and the credentials, the Rev. J. Visscher reports that the following delegates are present with the proper credentials:

  • From Regional Synod East:
    • Ministers: P. Kingma, W. Pouwelse, Cl. Stam. and W.W.J. VanOene.
    • Elders: G. Ladder, E. Ludwig, R.J. Oosterhoff,  and M.  VanderVelde. Br. G. Ladder is an alternate for J. Medemblik.
  • From Regional Synod West:
    • Ministers: B. J. Berends, J. Geertsema, M. VanderWel, and J. Visscher. Rev. J. Visscher is an alternate for the Rev . J. Wielenga.
    • Elders: J. Hendricks. P. Jansen, A. Poppe, and T. Vanlaar.

Since both Regional Synods are duly represented, General Synod can be constituted.