ARTICLE 145 – Reopening – Book of Praise (Liturgical Forms – continued)
The chairman requests to sing Hymn 49. Roll call is held.
The discussion on the Report of Committee I re Book of Praise (Liturgical Forms) is continued, after some changes in the Report are announced.
The Form for the Solemnization of Marriage is adopted, as amended. Herewith the discussion on the Liturgical Forms section is concluded. The Recommendations D, 1 and 2 are ADOPTED.
Report of Advisory Committee I re Book of Praise. THE FORMS
A. MATERIAL – Agenda VIII, B, 6, 16, 17. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. 25. 26, 27, 28.
- B, 6 Report of the Committee on Translation and Revision of the Prayers and Forms 16 Letter from the Free Reformed Churches in Australia re Forms
- 17 Letters from the Church at Abbotsford re Forms
- 18 Letter from the Church at Burlington-East re Forms 19 Letter from the Church at Chilliwack re Forms (B. 11) 20 Letter from the Church at Coaldale re Forms (B, 13) 21 Letter from the Church at Langley re Forms (8. 14) 22 Letter from the Church at London re Forms
- 23 Letter from the Church at Ottawa (Men’s Society) 24 Letter from the Rev. D. DeJong
- 25 Letter from the Rev. J. DeJong (Gravamen re Marriage Form) 26 Letter from br. W VanderKamp
- 27 Letter from br. L. VanZandwijk
- 28 Letter from the Church at Cloverdale re delay adoption until General Synod 1986 29 Letter from the Church at Surrey re delay until 1986 (B. 15)
- 1. In accordance with the mandate given by the Synod of Smithville 19B0 (Acts Art. 12B, D, 3, 4) the Committee on Translation and Revision of Forms and Prayers gave the provisionally adopted liturgical Forms in the hands of a subcommittee for language and style and published the result in a separate booklet, since no other parts for the Book of Praise were ready for publication This booklet was sent to the Churches and a number was provided to the Committee for Correspondence with Churches Abroad for the sister Churches.
- 2. Some Churches and individual members submitted proposals with corrections. They were considered by the Committee and partly incorporated in the final draft. The Committee submits this final draft to the Synod together with a list of these proposed corrections.
- 3. Dr. W. Helder presented a linguistically corrected copy of the Forms. All his corrections were taken over by the Committee, with the exception of only a few, which it recommends to the Synod for consideration.
- 4. The Committee recommends also “that Synod appoint Dr. W Helder in Hamilton, an acknowledged language expert, as final editor for the linguistic aspects of the Forms and Prayers, so that a uniform text and punctuation may be achieved.”
- 5. The Committee mentions “the highly appreciated help of Dr. J. Faber who served the Committee as substitute member during the leave of absence of Rev. Stam.”
- 6. In their letters the Churches mentioned sub A, and the sister Churches in Australia, as well as some individual members in our Churches address Synod with questions and proposals, which are grouped together in the order of the Forms.
- 1. read “…Baptism signifies and seals to us the cleansing from our sins,” instead of “…seals to us the promise of the cleansing.”
- 2. read “cling to” instead of “cleave to”;
- 3. delete the words “which is no more than a constant death” since it is a Methodist line of thinking;
- 4. shorten the first question, since it is cumbersome; replace the word “utmost”; and have the parents answer “I do, God helping me,”
- 5. read “army” instead of “host.”
- 1. the word “God” has been deleted here in the sentence “…the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,” and should be retained as in the other Form;
- 2. change “Creeds,” into “Creeds and Confessions” (fourth question).
- 1. retain the words”…true and complete doctrine of salvation”;
- 2. retain the words “before God and His Church” from the old Form;
- 3. read “Do you truly detest your sins and humble yourself before God be cause of them, and do you seek your life outside of them?”;
- 4. read “certainly” instead of “truly.”
- 1. Several Churches object to the new list of sins, including the sister Churches in Australia, since the new expressions are vague and ambiguous as well as too specific and already included in the more general terms which also are maintained;
- 2. retain “only begotten,” instead of “only” ;
- 3. delete from the words spoken when the cup with wine is presented “from it, all of you,” so that it reads: “Take, drink, remember.”
- 1. change “afternoon service” into “second service” or “second celebration”;
- 2. revoke the decision of the General Synod of Smithville, Acts, Art. 136, D, 1, ” To add in the title of the Abbreviated Form, between brackets (For the afternoon service),” and replace it by the following statement “It should be noted that the Abbreviated Form is not meant as a replacement of the original Form, but is to be used in addition to it for making it easier to have more celebrations of the Lord’s Supper than the minimum of 4 or 6 times a year. Therefore, at least once a year the original Form must be used”;
- 3. in the early Church. the Lord’s Prayer always preceded the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. This prayer never functioned as a thanksgiving after this celebration. For this reason Synod Arnhem 1981 deleted the Lord’s Prayer from the abbreviated Form. It is advisable that we follow the same course.
- 1. change “we elders and overseers” into “we overseers,” change “Tax Collectors” into “sinners”;
- 2. maintain uniformity in the two Forms and delete the words “sinning against the… commandment”:
- 3. read “do not associate with” instead of “have nothing to do with.”
- the suggestion is made to disconnect the readmission from “the next celebration of the holy supper” since that can take too long; and to change “within a week.” since that can be too short.
- 1. have the ministers also answer “I do” to maintain uniformity between all office-bearers;
- 2. retain in the prayer the words from the old Form and add after “increased” “in number and in virtues”;
- 3. maintain uniformity in the questions in this Form and in the next and read in both either “do you believe” or “do you receive” (second question).
- 1. use the words “elders and deacons” consistently;
- 2. use consistently “secondly” and “thirdly,” instead of “second,” “third”;
- 3. do not use the word “presbytery,” where this has a different meaning In the Presbyterian Churches;
- 4. give the correct text in the place of Mark 22:27.
- 1 change the words “…shall live happily in sincere love and holiness” since it places too much emphasis on “happily” rather than on “love”:
- 2. retain a paragraph in which reference is made to Genesis 3:16, 19:
- 3. reject the present revised Form “in favour of a revision which more closely follows the original Form introduced by Dathenus; or that it be revised again to reintroduce some important elements in the older Form on the grounds that:
- a. “The present revision has lost much of the beauty and style of the older Form.”
- b. “No grounds have ever been given why this Form had to be
- shortened. None of the Churches asked for a shorter Form.”
- c. Particularly in the section on the Duties in Marriage, many points of the older Form have been dropped, “which is a departure from our heritage, rather than a revision.”
- d. Synod Coaldale did not give proof for the validity of taking away the reference to Gen. 3:16; it should be maintained, since our forefathers were correct in calling “a punishment an ordinance.”
- e. Also the reference to 1 Pet. 3:5, showing the submission of Sarah to Abraham as her lord should be maintained as an example and expression of God’s norm for us.
- 7. The Advisory Committee has noted the following changes in the Draft which the Committee presents to Synod:
- 1. On page 2, in the margin, Romans 6:5 has been deleted.
- 2. On page 4, in the Prayer, the word “Thy” in “this Thy child” has been deleted.
- 3. On page 4, as throughout the Forms. brackets are used to indicate the alternate gender.
- 4. On page 5, the words “in this Christian Church” have been replaced by “here in this Church of Christ.” See also page 12 and page 13.
- 5. On page 6, in the final sentence of the Prayer, the Committee returns to the wording in the old Form. See also page 14.
- 6. On page 9, the word “into” has been changed into “in” in the words “baptizing them into the Name.”; and the word “Name” is not capitalized.
- 7. On page 12, in the fifth question, the following words have been added: “If it should happen, and may God graciously prevent it, that you become delinquent either in doctrine or in conduct” ?
- 8. On page 16, in the quotation of 1 Peter 5:10, the capitals of the personal and possessive pronouns have been dropped, as has been done in quotations throughout the Forms.
- 9. On page 22, the form reads “…and He declared: As often”
- 10. On page 22, at the bottom, the text reference Romans 8:11. has been deleted.
- 11. On page 48, the Form for Readmission has the word “person.” in “shall loose this person from.”
- 12. On page 49, the form reads “our fellow-brother (sister)…”
- 13. On page 49, the form reads “we will now receive him (her) into the communion…”
- 14. On page 49, the word “GOD” is completely capitalized.
- 15. On page 50, the form reads “and readmit you, brother (sister)——-,to”
- 16. On page 54, the closing bracket in the title is placed behind “word.”
- 17. On page 54, the word “Name” in “Name of the Lord,” has not been capitalized. ct. p. 56 etc.
- 18. On page 56, the form reads “baptizing them in the name of.”
- 19. On page 61, in the first paragraph, a sentence has been inserted which describes the task of a missionary.
- 20. On page 61, third paragraph appears to try to “include too much” in one sentence. (Dr. W Helder)
- 21. On page 61, the last word “shepherd” is not capitalized.
- 22. On page 62, the first paragraph is not fully clear.
- 23. On page 62, the duties of the missionary show a cumbersome accumulation of Scripture sentences with hardly any coherence. (Dr. W. Helder)
- 24. On page 62, the observation has been made that “the wording of the text is inserted here in an awkward manner.” (Dr. W. Helder)
- 25. On page 63, the number 1 in Titus 1:9 has not been printed in a clear way.
- 26. On page 63, the third paragraph starts with “And whereas”
- 27. On page 63, the first line of the last paragraph the word “they” occurs. The question has been raised who are meant with those “they.”
- 28. On page 64, the first paragraph contains an awkward combination of sentences.
- 29. On page 64, in the third question, the additional words “in close cooperation…” weaken the promise. (Dr. W. Helder)
- 30. On page 65, in the quotation of 1 Peter 5:1, the word “chief’ is not capitalized, while it is done in the same quotation on page 57; see also p. 73.
- 31. On page 65, in the last paragraph, the word “his” in “in all his ways,” excludes the family.
- 32. On page 67, the first paragraph speaks of “office” while the third paragraph has “offices.”
- 33. On page 68, the fifth paragraph uses the word “presbyters” and the “bishops or overseers” as ii these were identical.
- 34. On page 70, the third paragraph reads, “impressed… to show mercy.”
- 35. On page 73, Galatians 6:10 is quoted in connection with the work of the deacons.
- 36. On page 1, the Form reads “the promise of the cleansing from our sins” See also pp. 2 and 8
- 37. On page 4, the words of the old Form “the obstinate pharaoh and all his host” have been changed into “the entire host of the obstinate pharaoh.” See also p. 10.
- 8. Brother W. VanderKamp requests Synod to inform him whether the interpretation of the word ··creeds” in the questions found in the Forms for baptism and for the public profession of faith includes the Three Forms of Unity.
- 9. The Consistory of the Church at Cloverdale requests Synod “to delay the final adoption of the Book of Praise until General Synod 1986″ on the following grounds:
- a. The Prayer-section “needs to be extensively reworked.”
- b. The Belgic Confession with the proposed changes “was never made known to the Churches.”
- c. The Heidelberg Catechism was not received in time and in sufficient copies to be tested in the Catechism classes.
- d. “The Canons of Dort were sent to the Churches in part” and not the whole as corrected. in accordance with the mandate of Synod Smithville 1980.
- e. The Revised Church Order “contains a basic and fundamental change” in proposing the use of the name “Consistory” “to designate meetings of ministers, elders, and deacons.“
- 1. The Committee on Translation and Revision of Forms and Prayers fulfilled its mandate given by the Synod of Smithville 1980. Acts. Art. 128, D, 3, 4.
- 2. The Committee presented its final draft in which a number of critical remarks from the Churches were incorporated, as well as the corrections submitted by Dr. W. Helder as language expert. This makes it possible to finalize the revision of the Forms.
- 3. In order to ensure linguistic uniformity in the Book of Praise it appears mandatory to charge the Standing Committee on the Book of Praise to prepare all parts of the Book of Praise adopted by this Synod for printing.
- Also on question and answer 71 of the Heidelberg Catechism it is advisable to read the Form as follows (page 1, third paragraph) “Baptism signifies and seals to us the washing away of our sins through Jesus Christ.”
- 2. In order to bring this Form into line with Matt. 28 :19 and the Form for the Baptism of Adults, the word “God” should be deleted in the third paragraph on page 1, so that it reads “baptized into the Name of the Father, the Son,”
- 3. The Scripture reference in the margin on page 2 beside the first paragraph should be retained, so that it says there “Romans 6:5.”
- 4. It is not necessary to replace the verb “to cleave” by the verb “to cling.” since also the RSV retains the verb “to cleave” in Gen. 2:24. and other places.
- 5. On the basis of Ex. 14:6, 10. 17, 18, and Psalm 13 6:15 the prayer before baptism should read “Thou hast drowned the obstinate pharaoh and his entire host in the Red Sea.”
- 6. On page 4, in the Prayer before baptism, the word “Thy” should be retained in the following form “look upon this child of Thine……………..”
- 7. In the second question the words “in the Church of Christ” should be changed to “…in this Christian Church…”
- 8. In order to avoid misunderstanding, the word “creeds” in the second question should be replaced by “confessions.”
- 9. To add to the answer of the parents the words “God helping me,” would not be fitting.
- 10. The word “utmost” in the third question is a normal English word. There is no need for change.
- 1. On page 7, last paragraph, the formulation should be changed in accordance with the Form for the Baptism of Infants. and read “Baptism signifies and seals to us the washing away of “
- 2. On page 9, the quotation of Matt. 28:19 should be changed as follows “baptizing them into the Name of”
- 3. In the Prayer on page 10, the same formulation should be used as in the Prayer in the Form for the Baptism of Infants “Thou hast drowned the obstinate pharaoh and his entire host in the Red Sea.”
- 4. In the fourth question on page 12, the wording should be as follows “…the Word of God summarized in the confessions and taught here in this Christian Church.”
- In order to maintain the uniformity of expression the address on page 15 should read “We now ask you to answer sincerely the following questions before God and His Church:”
- 2. The formulation of the first question is similar to that of the fourth question in the Form for the Baptism of Adults. There is, therefore, no need to add “the true and complete doctrine of salvation.”
- 3. In the first question the word “Creeds” should be replaced by “confessions.”
- 4. To read “detest your sins” instead of “detest yourself” weakens the meaning.
- 1. It is evident that none of the Churches which sent in submissions is satisfied with the list of sinners as it was expanded by the Synod Smithville 1980. In accordance with suggestions made, the text as adopted by our Dutch sister Churches should be followed. On page 19 it should read as follows “to be guilty of the following offensive sins to abstain from the table of the Lord, and we declare to them that they have no part in the kingdom of Christ: all who refuse to trust in the LORD alone or serve Him in their own manner; all who abuse the Name of the LORD by cursing or in any other way; all who do not diligently attend the worship services and who despise the proclamation of God’s Word or the sanctity of the sacraments; all who are disobedient to their parents or to others in authority over them; all who violate human life or cherish hatred against their neighbour and refuse to be reconciled to him; all who. either within or outside of holy wedlock, do not keep their bodies pure; all who by stealing, greed, or extravagance, lead a worldly life; all liars, backbiters, and slanderers; briefly, all who either in word or conduct show themselves to be unbelieving by leading an offensive life.”
- 2. On page 22, the word “saying” should be inserted after “declared.” so that it reads “and He declared, saying, As often”
- 3. Beside the last paragraph on page 22, the text reference to Romans 8:11 should be added again after “Acts 2:33,” as this was inadvertently omitted.
- 4. On page 23, in the margin, the word ”Fellowship” at the top of the page has been deleted and should be reinserted.
- 5. In the Thanksgiving on page 28, the word “only” should be changed to “only begotten.”
- 1 Since this form is not meant to replace the longer form, a decision to say that “at least once a year the original form must be used” would promote such replacing.
- 2. There is no objection to changing the term “afternoon service” to “second service.”
- 3. The Lord’s Prayer should be replaced as prayer of “Thanksgiving.” (see: amended Form)
- 1. The suggestion to change “we elders and overseers” to “we overseers” should be followed as the former is a tautology. The same on pp. 44. 51
- 2. The suggestion has been made to change “Gentile and Tax-collector” to “Gentile and sinner.” However, neither the word “Tax Collector” nor “sinner” conveys what the Lord Jesus wishes to say. Therefore the following reading is to be preferred “…as a Gentile and an outcast,…”
- 3. On page 36, 1st paragraph, it should be added (guilty of sin) “against the ___ commandment.” See also page 41.
Last paragraph on page 41: see above F 3.
- 1. It has been suggested to disconnect the readmission into the Church from “the next celebration of the holy supper,” since this is thought to be too long in some instances. This suggestion should not be followed up since:
- a. readmission must be based on sufficient evidence of true repentance (see Lord’s Day 31); and
- b. it is proper that readmission become visible by admitting a person to the celebration of the Lord’s Supper.
- 2. On page 48, third paragraph, the word “person” is found. It should be replaced by “man/woman.”
- 3. On page 49, first paragraph, it reads “conversion of our fellow brother/sister.” It is incorrect at this stage to use the title “brother/sister.” Therefore the above sentence should read “the conversion of A.”
- 4. On page 50, third paragraph: see under 3 above.
- 5. On page 49, 4th line from the top, the word “again” is found, whereas it is missing in the 6th line. This word should be inserted in line 6.
- 6. On page 49, fourth paragraph, the word “God” is written with three capitals. It should be changed to “God.”
- 1. The closing bracket in the title should be placed behind the word ”Installation.”
- 2. On page 54, first paragraph, the word “Name” in “the Name of the Lord” should be capitalized. See also p. 56, etc.
- 3. On page 56, in the quotation of Matt. 28:19, the word “into” has incorrectly been changed to “in.”
- 4 On page 57, in the second-last paragraph the second question says. “Do you believe” while in the Form for the Ordination of a Missionary it says “Do you receive…” The latter form should be changed according to the former.
- 1 On page 61, first paragraph contains a sentence which describes the task of a missionary. This is out of place here and should be deleted.
- 2. On page 61, the third paragraph should be cut up into two sentences, as follows “God, our heavenly Father, in His good pleasure, gathers a Church from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. He calls them out of the corrupt race of man unto life eternal.”
- 3. On page 61, the last word should be capitalized.
- 4. On page 62, the first paragraph is not fully clear and should be changed as follows “In order to gather His Church, Christ has sent the Spirit as He promised, saying, ‘ When the Counsellor come s, whom I shall send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, He will bear witness to Me,’ John 15:26. The apostles were also witnesses, sent by Christ as the Father had sent Him; they testified that the Father had sent His Son as the Saviour of the world.”
- 5. On page 62, the third paragraph should be changed as follows “From the time of the apostles, the Holy Spirit has commanded the Church to set men apart for the work to which He has called them.”
- 6. On page 62, the fifth paragraph should be broken up as follows “According to the mandate of the Lord Jesus Christ and His apostle s, a missionary shall first of all preach the Word of God to those who are without Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenant of promise. Thus he brings hope to those who have no hope and are without God in the world, that they, being far off, may come near through the blood of Christ.”
- 7. On page 62, last paragraph, should be changed as follows “God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. He has entrusted the ministry of reconciliation to men whom He made ambassadors of Christ. Therefore the missionary shall beseech men in the Name of Christ, be reconciled to God.”
- 8. On page 63, in the margin the text reference on Titus 1:9 must be printed more clearly.
- 9. On page 63, third paragraph, starts with “And whereas.” This should be changed to “And since.”
- 10. On page 63, last paragraph, change as follows “In order that the apostles would be able to fulfil this charge, the Lord Christ, to whom has been given all authority in heaven and on earth, comforted and encouraged them, and in them His whole Church, with the promise.”
- 11. On page 64, first paragraph, the words “The glory of God is its light and its lamp is the Lamb,” should be deleted.
- 12. On page 64, the sentences in the second question should be changed, see page 57.
- 13. On page 64, last paragraph, the words “in close cooperation with the consistory of this Church” should be deleted. The following words should then be added “Do you also promise to do your work under the direction of and in close cooperation with the consistory of this Church?”
- 14. On page 65, in the quotation of 1 Peter 5:4, the word “chief” is not capitalized, whereas this was done on page 57, on page 73 it is not capitalized either. None of them should be capitalized.
- 15. On page 65, in the last paragraph, it should read “In all his/their ways.”
- On page 69, fourth paragraph, last sentence, should read “For this purpose they form, together with the ministers of the Word, the consistory of the Church.”
- 2. On page 70, third paragraph, it should read “the Lord impressed upon His people Israel the obligation to show mercy.”
- 3. On page 70. the text reference Mark 22: 27 should be replaced by Matt 4″ 23, 24.
- 4. On page 72, the answer should read “I do with all my heart.”
- 5. On page 73, second paragraph the sentence “Let us do good to all men, especially to those of the household of faith” and the text reference Gal. 6:10 in the margin. should be deleted.
Consideration K,5
- 1. Announcement The consistory announces that ___ and ___ have indicated their intention to enter into the married state, according to the ordinance of God. They desire to begin this holy state in the Name of the Lord and to complete it to His glory. If no lawful objection is brought for ward. the ceremony will take place, the Lord willing, on ___
- Introduction
- … and since the consistory has duly made known to the congregation your desire to enter into the married state, and no lawful objection has been presented, we may now proceed to the solemnization of your marriage in the Name of the Lord.
- The Institution of Marriage
- Heb 13:4
- Gen 1:27
- Gen 2:18-24
- Jn 2:1-11
- Mt 19:6
- Mal 2:16
- Mt 19:9
- 1 Cor 7:2
- 1 Cor 6:19. 20
- The Profound Mystery
- Eph 5:22-33
- Jn 13:1
- Let us first listen to a summary of what the Word of God teaches us about marriage. We find there that marriage is an institution of God which pleases Him and must therefore be held in honour among all. After God our Father made heaven and earth. He created man in His own image. And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him. When the man did not find a helper fit for him among the other creatures of God, the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh, and the rib which the LORD God had taken from the man He made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh.
- We therefore believe that the LORD also today gives husband and wife to one another, and, united by His hand, nothing shall separate them in this life.
- Also our Lord Jesus Christ honoured marriage when He revealed His glory at the marriage feast at Cana. He teaches us that marriage is an institution of God and should not be broken, and said, What therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder.
- Since God has made marriage such a strong bond, He hates divorce, as also our Lord Jesus Christ shows when He says, Whoever divorces his wife, except for fornication, and marries another, commits adultery. As the Lord forbids immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. so that our bodies may be pre served as temples of the Holy Spirit and we may glorify God in our bodies.
- The apostle Paul teaches us that the unity of husband and wife in marriage is a profound mystery, as reflecting the relationship be tween Christ and His Church. As Christ is the Head of the Church, so the husband is the head of his wife. Christ loved His Church to the end, and gave Himself up for her, that she might be holy and without blemish. Likewise the husband shall love his wife as his own body, take care of her, and cherish her, as Christ does the Church.
- 1 Pet 3:5
- 1 Car 7:28
- The Purpose of Marriage
- Gen 1 :28
- Eph 64
- The Duties of Marriage
- 1 Pet 3:7
- Eph 4:28
- Psalm 128:1, 2
- Psalm 124:8
- The Marriage Vows
- As the Church is subject to Christ, so the wife shall be subject in everything to her husband, respect him, and entrust herself to his loving care, following the example of godly women who trusted in God and were subject to their husbands.
- Husband and wife shall assist each other in all good things, heartily forgiving one another their sins and shortcomings. United in love. they will more and more reflect in their marriage the unity of Christ and His Church.
- Although it is true, as the apostle says, that those who marry will face trouble in this state and because of sin will experience many difficulties and afflictions, yet they may also believe the promise of God that they, as heirs of the grace of life, will always receive His aid and protection, even when they least expect it.
- The Word of God also teaches us about the purpose of marriage. First, husband and wife shall live together in sincere love and holiness, helping each other faithfully in all things that belong to this life and to the life to come.
- Second, by marriage the human race is to be continued and in creased, and under the blessing of God, husband and wife will be fruitful and multiply. If it pleases God to give them children, they shall nurture these children in the true knowledge and fear of the Lord.
- (The minister shall ask them to rise.)
- Bridegroom and Bride, hear from the Word of God what the Lord requires of you in marriage.
- Bridegroom, know that God has set you to be the head of your wife. You shall love her as your own body, as Christ loved His Church and gave Himself up for her; guide, protect, and comfort your wife. Live with her wisely and honour her, because she is an heir to eternal life together with you; then your prayers will not be hindered. Work faithfully in your daily calling, that you may support your family and also help those in need.
- Bride, you shall love your husband and be subject to him, as the Church is subject to Christ. Accept his guidance and assist him in all good things. Take proper care of your family and household, and live modestly, in faith, love, and holiness.
- Assist each other always and be faithful to each other. Diligently fulfil the calling which the Lord has given you in the Church and in this world. Believe God’s sure promise, Blessed is every one who fears the LORD, who walks in His ways! You shall be happy, and it shall be well with you.
- and___, you have now heard what the Lord requires of you and what He has promised you. May our gracious God give you the strength and the faithfulness to live together as husband and wife in this manner and may your help be in the Name of the LORD who made heaven and earth.
- (Minister: Will you now join right hands?)
- To the Bridegroom:
- do you declare here before the Lord and these witnesses that you take as your lawful wife…, here present? Do you promise to love and guide her faithfully, to maintain her, and to live with her in holiness, according to the holy Gospel? Do you also promise never to forsake her. but to be true to her always, in good days and bad, in riches and poverty, in health and sickness, for as long as you both shall live?
- What is your answer?
- Answer
- Answer : I do To the Bride:
- do you declare here before the Lord and these witnesses that you take as your lawful husband…, here present? Do you promise to love and obey him, to assist him, and to live with him in holiness. according to the holy Gospel? Do you also promise never to forsake him, but to be true to him always. in good days and bad, in riches and poverty, in health and sickness, for as long as you both shall live? What is your answer?
- Answer
- Answer : I do.
- Pronouncement
- (Minister:) I now pronounce you husband and wife. The Father of all mercies, who by His grace called you to this holy state of marriage, bind you together in true love and faithfulness, and grant you His blessing. Amen.
- Bridegroom and Bride, since we cannot expect anything from our selves, you shall kneel before the Lord and we shall pray with you and for you that He may enable you to fulfil your vows and will grant you His blessing.
- Intercession
- Almighty and heavenly Father, Thou hast said from the beginning that man should not be alone. We thank and praise Thee that Thou hast given this brother and sister to each other in marriage, that they may be one.
- We pray Thee. grant them Thy Holy Spirit that they may live together according to Thy will in true faith. Help them to resist the power of sin, and to live in holiness before Thee. Lift up Thy countenance upon them, and guide them in prosperity and adversity by Thy fatherly hand. Grant them Thy blessing according to the covenant-promises given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. If it pleases Thee to give them children, confirm Thy covenant to them and to their seed: and grant them that they may nurture these children in the fear of the Lord, to the glory of Thy Name, and to the edification of the Church. Let them live in communion with Thy Son, Jesus Chris t, in the harmony of true love, and to the benefit of their neighbour. Cause them to look forward with all the Church to the great day of the marriage feast of the Lamb.
- Hear us, merciful Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy beloved Son, who with Thee and the Holy Spirit, the only true God, lives and reigns for ever, Amen.
- (or add:
- Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name,
- Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,
- On earth as it is in heaven.
- Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts,
- As we also have forgiven our debtors; And lead us not into temptation,
- But deliver us from the evil one,
- For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever. Amen.)
- Benediction:
- Brother and sister… our Lord God bless you richly and grant you a long and holy life together in all godliness, love, and unity. AMEN
- 2 Since the headship of man is clearly maintained in the form, addition of Gen. 3:16 would not add any essential element; this even apart from the uncertainty as to the explanation of this text.
- 5. The use of the word “confessions” instead of “creeds” in the questions of the Forms for Baptism and for Public Profession of Faith answers the question posed by brother W. VanderKamp.
- 6. Even though this Synod will be unable to adopt the final text of all parts of the Church Book, and some parts can be adopted only in a provisional form, it is advisable to publish a complete Book of Praise.
- 1. Synod adopt the Forms as amended above.
- 2. Synod express its appreciation for the work done by the Committee on Translation and Revision of Forms and Prayers, as well as for the work done by Dr. W. Helder and Dr. J. Faber.