GS 1980 ARTICLE 8 – Adoption Agenda
After some communications are added to the Provisional Agenda, it is adopted as follows:
- I. Opening on behalf of the convening Church at Smithville.
- II. Examination of the Credentials.
- III. Election of Officers.
- IV. Constitution of Synod.
- V. Information from the convening Church.
- VI. Adoption of the Agenda.
- VII. Arrangement of Procedure and Time Schedule.
- VIII. Incoming Mail:
- A. Theological College
- 1. Nominations for the Board of Governors
- (a) Regional Synod West;
- (b) Regional Synod East;
- 2. Report from the Board of Governors.
- 3. Additional Report from the Board of Governors with proposals and enclosures.
- 4. Second Additional Report from the Board of Governors.
- 5. Letter from the Church at Surrey re: admission requirements and enclosures.
- 6. Ninth-Eleventh Annual Reports, Board of Trustees.
- 7. Statement of Income, 1978.
- 8. Budgets: 1979, 1980, 1981.
- 9. Financial Statements, December 31, 1977-1979.
- B. Book of Praise
- 1. Report of the Committee for the Revision Psalms and Hymns with enclosures re: Psalm section, Hymn section.
- 2. Overture from the Church at Watford re: Book of Praise.
- 3. Proposal from the Church at Hamilton re: Psalm and Hymn section.
- 4. Letter from br. M. Menken re: Psalm and Hymn section.
- 5. Letter from br. S. VanderPloeg re: Psalm and Hymn section.
- 6. Letter from various organists re: Hymn section.
- 7. Letter from br. J.H.W. Vanderbrugghen re: Hymn section.
- 8. Report of the Committee on Translation and Revision of the Confessional and Liturgical Forms, June 1979, June 1980.
- 9. Additional Report from the Committee (with corrections).
- 10. Letter from the Church at Carman re: Apostles’ Creed.
- 11. Letter from the Church at Barrhead re: Apostles’ Creed.
- 12. Letter from the Church at Watford re: Apostles’ Creed.
- 13. Letter from the Church at Cloverdale re: Apostles’ Creed.
- 14. Letter from the Church at London re: Apostles’ Creed.
- 15. Letter from the Church at Barrhead re: Belgic Confession.
- 16. Letter from the Church at London re: Belgic Confession.
- 17. Letter from the Church at Brampton re: Canons of Dort.
- 18. Letter from the Church at London re: Canons of Dort.
- 19. Letter from the Church at London re: Prayers.
- 20. Letter from the Church at Cloverdale re: Prayers.
- 21. Letter from the Church at Barrhead re: Use of the Lord’s Prayer.
- 22. Letter from the Church at London re: Baptism, Profession.
- 23. Letter from the Church at Surrey re: Profession.
- 24. Letter from the Church at Burlington-East re: Lord’s Supper.
- 25. Letter from the Church at Carman re: Lord’s Supper and Marriage.
- 26. Letter from the Church at Surrey re: Lord’s Supper.
- 27. Letter from the Church at Brampton re: Elders and Deacons.
- 28. Letter from the Church at Burlington-East re: Deacons.
- 29. Letter from the Church at Houston re: English style.
- C. Translation Heidelberg Catechism
- 1. Report of the Committee on the Translation of the Heidelberg Catechism, June 27, 1979.
- 2. Letter from Rev. S. de Bruin re: Translation.
- 3. Letter from the Church at London re: Translation.
- 4. Letter from the Church at Barrhead re: Translation.
- D. Revision of the Church Order
- 1. Report of the Committee on the Revision of the Church Order.
- 2. Additional Report from the Committee on the Church Order.
- 3. Proposals from br. C. Groenewegen re: Church Order.
- 4. Letter from the Church at Burlington-East re: Church Order.
- E. Contact with the Orthodox Presbyterian Church
- 1. Report from the Committee (plus Appendices I, II and Ill).
- 2. Additional Report from the Committee. October 22, 1980.
- F. Women’s Voting Rights
- 1. Report from the Committee (plus added letter).
- 2. Letter from br. B. van Huisstede re: Women’s Voting Rights.
- 3. Letter from sr. G. van Weerden re: Women’s Voting Rights.
- 4. Letter from Rev. D. DeJong re: Women’s Voting Rights.
- G. Bible Translations
- 1. Report of the Committee on Bible Translations (plus Appendix).
- 2. Letter from the Church at Edmonton re: Report Bible Translation.
- 3. Letter from the Church at Carman re: R.S.V.
- 4. Letter from the Church at Cloverdale re: N.I.V.
- H. Correspondence with Churches Abroad
- 1. Report of the Committee, August 27, 1980 with an enclosure (Histori cal Review: Presbyterian Church at Korea).
- 2. Additional Report from the Committee, October 28, 1980.
- 3. Letter from the Deputies for Correspondence of the Reformed Churches in The Netherlands.
- 4. Letter from the Church at Surrey re: Relationships with other Churches.
- I. Protests and Appeals
- 1. Appeal from the Church at Burlington-West re: Acts 1977, Article 91.
- 2. Appeal from the Church at Watford (idem).
- 3. Appeal from the Church at Grand Rapids (idem).
- 4. Appeal from the Church at Lincoln (idem).
- 5. Appeal from the Church at Smithville (idem), plus corrections.
- 6. Appeal from the Church at Chilliwack (idem).
- 7. Appeal from br. W.C. vandenHaak (idem).
- 8. Letter from the Church at Chatham supporting part of the appeal of Burlington-West.
- 9. Appeal from the Church at Neerlandia against the decisions of the Regional Synod West, held as of October 30, 1979 (plus appendices).
- 10. Appeal from br. H.J. Endeman (et a of Orangeville against decisions of the Regional Synod East, June 1980 (plus additional material).
- 11. Appeal from br. and sr. J. vanOmmen.
- 12. Appeal from Rev. C. Olij.
- 13. Appeal from sr. C. Olij.
- 14. Appeal from the Church at Chatham against the decisions of the Regional Synod East, June 1980. re: Article 19, Church Order.
- 15. Appeal from the Church at London against the decisions of the Regional Synod East, June 1980. re: Article 19, Church Order.
- 16. Appeal from br. L. vanZandwijk against the decisions of the Regional Synod East, June 1980.
- J. Request from the Church at Lincoln re: Delegation from the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
- K. Proposal from the Church at Lincoln re: Publication of the Acts.
- L. Request from the Board of the Foundation for Superannuation to hold a meeting on Saturday, November 8, 1980.
- M. 1. Report from the Church at Calgary re: Audit of the General Synod Funds (1977-1980).
- 2. Audit Report of the Finances re: General Synod Toronto 1974.
- N. General Fund of the Canadian Reformed Churches re: Audit Report.
- O. Overture from the Church at Cloverdale re: Article 19, Church Order.
- P. Report from the Church at Burlington-East re: General Address of the Churches.
- A. Theological College
- IX. Appointments.
- X. Question Period ad. Article 43, Church Order.
- XI. Publication of the Acts of Synod.
- XII. Financial Matters of General Synod.
- XIII. Preparation for the next General Synod.
- XIV. Adoption of the Acts of Synod.
- XV. Approval of the Press Release of Synod.
- XVI. Closing of General Synod 1980.