GS 1980 ARTICLE 44Re-opening – Theological College

The Chairman calls on the brothers to sing Psalm 48:1, reads I John 3:11-24 and leads in prayer.

The Rev. Cl. Stam informs Synod that he will be absent this afternoon and that his alternate, Rev. M. Werkman will be present.


A. Material – 

  • Agenda VIII, A,
  • 1 –  Nominations for the Board of Governors.
  • 2 – Tri-annual Report from the Board of Gov­ernors.
  • 3 – Second Additional Report of the Board of Gov­ernors.

B. Observations

  • 1.   a) The Regional Synod of the Canadian Reformed Churches in Western Canada, October, 1979, nominated the following brothers to serve as Governors of the Theological College:
    • Rev. D. DeJong, Rev. D. VanderBoom, Rev. J. Visscher.
    • Alternates: Rev. M. VanderWel, Rev. J. VanRietschoten, Rev. J.D. Wielenga, in that order.
  • b) The Regional Synod of the Canadian Reformed Churches in Eastern Canada, June 1980, nominated the following brothers to serve as Governors of the Theological College:
    • Rev. J. Geertsema, Rev. J. Mulder, Rev. M. van Beveren.
    • Alternates: Rev. Cl. Stam, Rev. P. Kingma, Rev. W. Pouwelse, in that order.
  • 2. The work at the College could be continued without interruption. Lectures could be given even though the Faculty was short one member for some time.
  • 3.  Since Synod 1977, four students have graduated and now serve as ministers in the Canadian Reformed Churches. Five students were admitted this year bringing the total number to nine.
  • 4. Regarding the conduct and diligence of the students, no complaints were raised, although it was feared that students holding part-time jobs may be hindered in their program of studies; however, it is acknowledged that this is a student’s own responsibility.
  • 5. Due to illness, the Rev. H. Scholten submitted his resignation as Lecturer in Ecclesiology.
  • Gratitude is expressed that the Rev. Scholten dedicated himself wholeheartedly to the task assigned to him.
  • Rev. W.W.J. VanOene was appointed as temporary instructor.
  • 6. Rev. A.B. Roukema resigned as Associate Librarian for reasons of health. Gratitude is expressed for the work done by the Rev. Roukema.
  • 7.  The work done by the Administrative-Assistant, Miss Anne VanSyden­ borgh, is gratefully acknowledged and her activities and responsibilities have increased (e.g. as to the Library-cataloguing).
  • 8.  The lectures were regularly visited by Governors. The report notes that the instruction given is scholarly and scriptural.
  • Because of this. the wish is expressed that the College may become a source of blessing not only for the Churches who maintain this institute of learning, but also for others from our own and other continents.
  • 9. To mark the Tenth Anniversary of the College, the College-evening and Convocation took place for the first time in Western Canada, Abbotsford, B.C.
  • From almost every church of the West, members were present.
  • 10.  The Board of Governors met four times since previous Synod. As secre­tary of the Board, Rev. W.W.J. VanOene was replaced by the Rev. M. van Beveren.
  • 11. The Board of Governors expressed the desirability that General Synod 1983 meet in the spring of that year with a view to the appointments to be made.
  • 12.  The Board expresses its gratitude to the LORD “for His unceasing care and mercy … for the willingness given into the hearts of the members of the Faculty, Board of Trustees, as well as the Board of Governors to work in harmony.
  • We thank Him for the willingness of the membership to continue their support of our institution.”

C.  Recommendations

Synod decide:

  • 1. Gratefully to acknowledge the work done by the Board of Governors, Faculty, the Associate Librarian, the Rev. A.B. Roukema, and the Admin­istrative-Assistant, Miss Anne VanSydenborgh.
  • 2. To appoint as Governors of the College of
    • Western Canada: the Revs: D. DeJong, D. VanderBoom, J. Visscher, and as alternates: the Revs: M. VanderWel, J. VanRietschoten, J.D. Wielenga, in that order;
    • Eastern Canada: the Revs: J. Geertsema, J. Mulder, M. van Beveren, and as alternates: the Rev: Cl. Stam, P. Kingma, W. Pouwelse, in that order.
  • 3.  To express its thankfulness that the number of students has considerably increased.
  • 4. Gratefully to acknowledge the work done by the Rev. W.W.J. VanOene as temporary instructor in Ecclesiology and as Secretary of the Board of Governors.
  • 5. Gratefully to note that the instruction given at the College is scholarly and scriptural.
  • 6.  To repeat the decision of Coaldale 1977 (Article 48, Recommendation 5) “to give into consideration of the Board of Governors to seek for ways and to encourage the Faculty in cooperation with the Board of Trustees to make our College better known also by the publication of Reformed material in order that also in this way more students may be attracted.”
  • 7.  To add the tri-annual report of the Board of Governors to the Acts as an appendix.
  • 8. To concur with the Board’s expression of gratitude to the LORD for His care and mercy shown to the College.


A.  Material – 

  • Agenda VIII, A, 3 –  Additional Report from the Board of Gov­ernors with proposals.
  • VIII, A, 4 – Letter from the Church at Surrey, B.C. re: admission requirements.

B. Observations

  • 1. The Church at Surrey proposes that the following provision of Article XXIII, 2 of the Constitution of our Theological College be dropped, namely, “A person who is thirty years of age or over, who is a member of one of the Churches and who presents a good attestation of confession and life may be admitted to the Course of Study without being in posses­sion of a Bachelor of Arts or equivalent degree if he possesses a High School diploma (Academic Course) or an equivalent level of education, and if he successfully passes an entrance examination, the requirements for which shall be set by the Senate and approved by the Board of Governors; provided that such requirements shall not exceed what is required of a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts who takes the courses prescribed for that purpose by the Senate with the approval of the Board of Governors.”
  • The Church at Surrey further proposes that Article XXIII, 3, 4, be amended accordingly.
  • 2. Surrey argues:
    • a.  Without this provision “the scholarly character of the education given can be further safeguarded (cf. Acts 1977, Article 99, II).”
    • b.  The danger is not unimaginary that prospective students wait until they are 30 years or older and then apply to be admitted to the College in what may appear to be an “easier” way.
    • c.  Exceptionally qualified persons can still enter the ministry by means of the provision of Article 8, Church Order.
  • 3. The Board of Governors informed Synod in its Additional Report, that the Board decided, with the concurring advice of the Faculty, to endorse the proposal of the Church at Surrey, B.C. with the understanding that ar­rangements made by the Faculty in accordance with Article XXIII, 2, for a certain case, be maintained.

C.  Considerations

  • 1. The Churches’ intention in establishing the Theological College was from the outset to have “a college with full academic training and standing” (cf. Acts, 1974, Article 171, Observation sub. 2).
  • 2. Scholarly preparation for the admission to the studies at the College by an extended study program leading to a B.A. degree will enable the gradual building up of necessary knowledge in Hebrew. Greek, Latin and the history of Philosophy much better than a few fragmentary courses in these areas taken to pass an “entrance examination.”
  • 3. In Article 8 of the Church Order, the Churches have also provided an ec­clesiastical way for exceptionally gifted persons over 30 years of age to be admitted to the ministry.
  • 4. A provision as made in Article XXIII, 2 is acceptable when a Theological College is in its infancy and needs to attract students, being established by churches who are in need of ministers, but this provision becomes more and more superfluous when the College is well-established.

D. Recommendation

Synod decide to accede to the proposal of the Church at Surrey, endorsed by the Faculty and Board of Governors of the College, with the understanding that a present arrangement made by the Faculty be maintained.  ADOPTED


A.  Material – 

  • Agenda VIII, A, 3 –  Additional report from Board of Governors and proposals
  • A, 4 – Second Additional Report from the Board of Governors
  • A, 6 – Ninth-Eleventh Annual Reports by the Board of Trustees, 1977, 1978, 1979
  • A, 7 –  Statement of Income, 1978
  • A, 8 –  Budgets 1979, 1980, 1981
  • A, 9 – Audited Financial Statements, December 31, 1977-1979

B.  Observations

  • 1. Trustees Activities Generally
    • The Board of Trustees could perform their task in harmony and health, and enjoyed the cooperation of the Churches, Board of Governors, Faculty and students.
    • During 1980 br. A.H. Oosterhof! resigned as member of the Board of Trustees and the remaining Trustees, in accordance with Article X, 5 of the Constitution, appointed br. C.M. Loopstra of Toronto to fill the vacancy.
    • No schedule of retirement exists.
  • 2. Physical Plant
    • a. Renovations and Maintenance
      • Some repairs were made to the roof, plumbing and electrical system of the College building.
      • In the fall of 1979 br. and sr. C. Walinga wished to terminate their work as caretakers.
      • A replacement was found in br. G. Meyer on a contract basis. The Board reports that he performs his task in a commendable manner.
    • b.  Other property
      • The Board of Governors report that in compliance with a decision of Synod 1977 (Acts, p. 18, sub. 3), the Board of Governors and the Board of Trustees have been looking for other properties, but thus far have not been able to come up with something considered suitable.
      • The Board of Governors did request the Board of Trustees to submit to the next joint meeting a detailed diagnosis of the present physical plant and a prognosis of future needs and possibilities.
    • c. Insurance
      • Insurance coverage of the College building was increased to $175,000.00, extra expenses $6,000.00, office contents to $40,000.00, library to $100,000.00.
    • d.  Student accommodation
      • Students occupied the facilities provided for their purpose on the third floor.
      • The residence fee of $150.00 per semester ($300.00 per academic year) was charged and received for each semester.
  • 3.  FACULTY
    • A.  Salaries –  report
      • The Professors and Lecturers were remunerated in accordance with the salary schedule as approved by Synod 1977:
        • Full-time professors’ annual salary…………………………………. $22,500.00
        • Principal’s allowance……………………………………………………………. 1,000.00
        • Lecturers’ stipend…………………………………………………………………. 3,000.00
      • The Board of Trustees did not see the necessity to increase salaries of the faculty members for the year 1979.
      • For 1980, the salaries were increased by a 8.4% “cost of living allowance.”
    • b.  Salaries –  proposal
      • The Board of Governors, together with the Board of Trustees, proposes to General Synod that:
        • i)  a salary for a member of the Faculty be set once every three years and approved by Synod;
        • the salary remain in effect for this term until the next Synod; On an annual basis, the Board of Governors and the Board of Trustees, in a joint meeting, shall review the salary and adjust the same, if the joint Boards deem it necessary to do so;
        • ii)  the salary of a professor be set at $26,000.00;
        • the salary of an associate profess0r and a provisionally appointed professor be set at 10% less that of a professor;
        • the stipend for lecturers be set at $4,000.00;
        • the additional stipend for the Principal be set at $1,500.00.
    • c. Pension Mrs. F. Kouwenhoven
      • The pension for Mrs. F. Kouwenhoven was increased according to the Salary Schedule set by Synod 1977, and for the year 1980 increased by a 8.4% “cost of living allowance.” Since Mrs. F. Kouwenhoven as per October 11, 1980 ceased to be a widow, pension payments have been terminated as per November 1, 1980.
  • 4. Organizational
    • a. Incorporation of the College
      • With regard to the introduction of “Bill 4” in the Legislature of Ontario whereby the authority to grant degrees will be restricted to institutions that have been granted such authority by a special Act of the Legislature, the joint Boards inform Synod that an ad hoc commit­ tee has been formed consisting of Dr. J. Faber, Mr. C.M. Loopstra and Rev. J. Mulder with the mandate to pursue the incorporation of the College by means of a Private Bill in the Ontario Legislature, in accordance with the draft Private Bill, added to the additional report of the Board of Governors and Trustees.
      • For further information also a copy of a letter from the Ontario Minister of Education to Mr. C.M. Loopstra, dated June 5, 1980, and a copy of a letter of Mr. C.M. Loopstra to the Board of Governors, Trus­tees, Faculty dated, October 22, 1980, were added to the additional report of Board of Governors and Trustees.
    • b.  Constitution
      • From this material it is evident that the present Constitution of the College has to be changed when the Private Bill, being passed, becomes a statute, and therefore an official law of the Province of Ontario, thus providing a legal basis for the College as a degree grant­ing institution. Synod will retain the same role in the amended consti­tution as it now has under the existing constitution.
    • c. Administrative Assistant
      • The Administrative Assistant was remunerated in accordance with the Budget 1979, $12.500.00 per annum.
      • For the year 1980 this salary was increased by 8% to $13.500.00 per annum. For 1981 this salary has been set at $14,560.00
    • d.  Caretaker
      • The caretaker was remunerated $152.00 per month according to contract. Additional services were provided at $5.00 per hour.
  • 5.  Financial
    • a. Contributions
      • The Board of Trustees report that as to the sending of the contri­ butions by the churches monthly or quarterly, there is improvement.
      • They thank those Churches which have cooperated in this respect and express the hope that all churches will do so in the future.
    • b.  Tuition Fee
      • The tuition fee of $100.00 per semester ($200.00 per academic year) as set in September 1977, was charged to and received from each of the students.
    • c. Audited Financial Statements
      • Audited financial statements were sent to the churches and Synod as appendices to the Reports for the years 1978, 1979, 1980. A comprehensive statement for the years 1977-1979 has been sent to Synod.
    • d.  Budget
      • For 1978 an increase in contribution from $22.00 per communi­cant member to $27.00 was necessary due to revision of salary schedule by Synod 1977.
      • For the year 1979 an increase in contributions was not necessary, but for 1980 an increase in expenditures necessitated an increase in contributions to $29.00 per communicant member. For the year 1981 no increase is necessary.

C.  Recommendations

Synod decide:

  • 1. Gratefully to acknowledge the work done by the Board of Trustees and to approve of their actions as mentioned in the Reports.         
  • 2. Gratefully to acknowledge the work done by br. A.H. Oosterhoff, especially as to the drafting of the constitutive documents of the College.
  • 3. To take note of the fact that br. C.M. Loopstra, Toronto, in accordance with Article X, 5 of the Constitution has been appointed as member of the Board of Trustees to fill the vacancy Oosterhoff, and that Synod confirm this appointment.
  • 4. To take note of the fact that no retirement schedule exists for the mem­ bers of the Board of Trustees and to ask the Board of Trustees to consider such a schedule and to come with proposals to the next General Synod.
  • 5. Gratefully to acknowledge the janitorial duties performed in a commendable way by br. and sr. C. Walinga for many years.                                                                                                                       
  • 6.  To take note of the fact that the Board of Governors and the Board of Trustees have been looking for other properties but could not come up with something suitable and therefore charge them to pursue this matter.
  • 7.  To accede to the proposals of the Board of Governors and the Board of Trustees that:
  • i)  a salary for a member of the Faculty be set once every three years and approved by Synod;
    • the salary remain in effect for this term until the next Synod;
    • on an annual basis the Board of Governors and the Board of Trustees, in a joint meeting, shall review the salary and adjust the same, if the joint Boards deem it necessary to do so;
  • ii)  the salary of a professor be set at $26,000.00;
    • the salary of an associate professor and a provisionally appoint­ ed professor be set at 10% less that of a professor;
    • the stipend for lecturers be set at $4,000.00;
    • the additional stipend for the Principal be set at $1,500.00.
      • ADOPTED
  • Prior to the adoption of ?(ii), the following motion was moved, seconded and voted on:
    • “To set the salary of a professor at $28,000.00 per annum.
    • Ground: The salaries of the professors have not kept pace with the cost of living increase. The increase since 1978 has been a total of 16%, less than 5% annually.”                                     
      • DEFEATED
  • 8.  To approve of the actions taken by the Board of Governors, Board of Trustees and Faculty with regard to the incorporation of the College by means of a Private Bill in the Ontario Legislature in accordance with the draft Private Bill added to the additional Report of Board of Governors and to charge the joint Boards to pursue this matter.                                
  • 9. To request the Board of Governors and the Board of Trustees to serve the next General Synod with proposals as to the amendation of the present Constitution, if the Private Bill becomes an official law of the Province of Ontario.                                                                                                          
  • 10. To urge the Churches to remit their contributions to the College in advance, on a quarterly basis.
  • 11.  Gratefully to acknowledge the annual donations of the Women’s Saving Action.   
  • 12. To take note of the Audited Financial Statements over the years 1977, 1978, 1979, to add them to the Acts of Synod as appendices and to relieve the treasurer of the Board of Trustees of all responsibilities for the three years ended December 31, 1979.
  • 13.  To approve the 1981 Budget.                                                                    
  • 14. To express thankfulness to the LORD for the fact that the Churches were able to furnish the necessary funds.