GS 1977 art 28

GS 1977 ARTICLE 28 – Women’s Voting Rights – letter A. Van Raalte

Committee III presents:

Material – Agenda 8, I, 2  

–  Letter br. A. Van Raalte, Fergus, Ontario.


Br. A. Van Raalte writes that he has “heard and read that women’s voting rights will likely be discussed at Synod.”

  • 1. He writes that women’s voting rights often accompanies a downhill trend in the Churches.
  • 2. He quotes some Scripture texts which he hopes will cause Synod to give a negative answer to the request of Edmonton.


The Church at Edmonton did not request Synod to judge the issue itself <women’s voting rights) but only asked that a committee be appointed to study it.


With appreciation for Br. A. Van Raalte’s concern, the Synod receive this letter for information and forward it to the Committee which is to be appointed.