ARTICLE 62: Attestations

Communicant members who move to a sister-church shall be given, after previous announcements to the congregation, an attestation regarding their doctrine and conduct, signed on behalf of the consistory by two of its members.

In the case of non-communicant members such an attestation shall be sent directly to the consistory of the church concerned.

Texts of Implementation
Texts of Application
Texts of Commentary
Reception and Departure of Members

GS 2013 – Article 149

3. Considerations:

3.3.      Some letters deal with major items and require input and direction from Synod, including the following:

Article 57 – The Reception and Departure of Members

There is concern with the provision in this article that, “Departing members remain under the supervision and care of the consistory until they are received as members into [the receiving] church.” The committee notes the role of the individual “to come under the care of other elders of another church,” but stresses that the elders also have a responsibility and that there should be no time when a member is not under supervision. The joint committee needs to consider the point that this makes it difficult for the sending church to maintain interim oversight of a member who moves a great distance from their current church.